TA 152 C-3 Ammo load


Charter Member
Does anyone know the Ammo count on the 30mm MK-103 engine cannon for the C-3?
The C-1 has the 30mm MK-108 at 90 Rounds. Both the rounds are the same diameter but the 103 rounds are quit a bit longer and much heavier. 90 rounds of 103 ammo seems a bit too much.

Plus the Do-335 carried only 70 rounds in the nose for it's Mk-103.
Well, your looking for some rare information.
Luckily I stumbled across an article about the Ta 152 in the "Flugzeug classic"-magazine, just two days ago.
( http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/ - sorry, page only in German)

They say the ammo count for the Ta 152 C-3 was one MK 103 engine cannon with 90! rounds and two MG 151/20 with each 150 rounds above the engine and two MG 151/20 with each 175 rounds in the wings.
Good news for Schlachtflieger.
Also in this article was mentioned that there was a Ta 152 B "Zerstörer" project with three! MK 103 plus two MG 151/20. (confirmed in "Warplanes of the Luftwaffe" by David Donald)
I modded my Ta 152 C to B for hunting Russian tanks near Berlin and think now about reducing the groundexplosion effect - move so much mud, can´t see the target and hit it most time with my plane.:costumes:
yours wolfger
Well, your looking for some rare information.
Luckily I stumbled across an article about the Ta 152 in the "Flugzeug classic"-magazine, just two days ago.
( http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/ - sorry, page only in German)

They say the ammo count for the Ta 152 C-3 was one MK 103 engine cannon with 90! rounds and two MG 151/20 with each 150 rounds above the engine and two MG 151/20 with each 175 rounds in the wings.
Good news for Schlachtflieger.
Also in this article was mentioned that there was a Ta 152 B "Zerstörer" project with three! MK 103 plus two MG 151/20. (confirmed in "Warplanes of the Luftwaffe" by David Donald)
I modded my Ta 152 C to B for hunting Russian tanks near Berlin and think now about reducing the groundexplosion effect - move so much mud, can´t see the target and hit it most time with my plane.:costumes:
yours wolfger
Thank you so much my friend. That is incredible!