Hi Bob..
All right, so yesterday I purchased Taburets San Francisco.. I was mostly impressed; Mostly..
I also had to buy ( well, download ) KSFO as there was no scenery in the Taburet package for the airport, or if there was, it was being invisible..
The Mesh plain and simple SUX!. Its very high resolution to the degree of interfering with the runways and taxiiways at the airport. Bumps galore.. I enjoy runways that follow terrain but not so much that there's oversized potholes that your plane bounces in and out of. Nor do i like banked taxxiways as they go over a bump in the hill.. I deleted the mesh..
COIT tower is not there. I'm no great fan of it as its such a big deal to most San Franciscans, but it IS a memorial to the firemen who fought and died during the 1906 earthquake/fire that darn near destroyed the city.
Golden Gate park is rather complete.. I admit, I was happily surprised to see all the buildings in GGP faithfully placed where they belong..
Newer buildings downtown are faithfully modeled and presented.. The place has grown since I was there last. Candlestick got moved to the basin and more office buildings were being built when I left.. They look real good..
Treasure Island could be better, not much, but better.. All of us bay area denizens have at one time or another wished deeply that they would rebuild Treasure Island to the way it looked during the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. It was Incredible.
For KSFO I used MisterX6's KSFO. It comes with the entire bay area, but has a patch that turns off everything except KSFO, which is what I wanted. Taburet is doing a great job on everything North of the airport, ans other scenery's will fill in to the south. Either way, its worth the seventeen bucks you pay for it, and the hoops you have to jump through to get KSFO working properly, in my opinion..