TAC view


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Hi, I'm trying to MOD the TAC view (in WOTR) essentially to get rid of it except the instructor commands I think they are.

I can remove the background, change the range so it is 0 and no objects appear, but am stuck with the distance to waypoint and the text sayin the TACview range is now 0 nm. I can't find a font colour settign for those two, does anyone know if it exists to be modded?

Also the 'pos' settings for the TAC background don't seem to have any effect, they may just be the background rather than the text I was trying to move anyway. Has anyone ever been able to move the TAC view itself please?


(Edit: I know it can be toggled off of course)
The position is controlled by the copy of ViewUI.xml stored in the \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ folder by the entry:

<Gauge8 Type="TacticalDisplay" pos="0.325 0.005" visible="0"/>

The X Y position values are done as a percentage of the screen size, so "0.5 0.5" would place the top left corner of the TAC image in the center.

The text color may very well be hard coded, as I've never discovered a parameter to change it.

I do know that some of AnKor's code deals with rendering on screen text, so he may know better what exactly can and can't be modifed.
Yes! By setting the y coord to be a minus I can hide most of it off screen and now only show the lower part of the TAC view, which was my aim.

Thank you again, not for the first time I believe either. Much appreciated.