Tachikawa Ki-9 Spruce

Tachikawa Ki-9 Spruce 2024-06-08

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Captain Kurt

Staff member
Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Tachikawa Ki-9 Spruce - Tachikawa Ki-9 Spruce

his is a standalone repaint of the MAW Breda Ba 25 as an Army Type 95-1 Medium Grade Trainer, or Tachikawa Ki-9 Spruce of Koku Shikan Gakko (Air Academy).

The Ki-9s remained in service with the Japanese Army throughout the Sino-Japanese conflict, and the Pacific War. It was also operated by the Cochin China, Manchurian, and Thai air forces, and after the war by Indonesia. Over 2600 were produced from 1935 through 1945.

You'll need the shared sound and cockpit files from MAW.

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