Taco's nightmare


Charter Member
From Taphao VTBU to Khorat VTUN, flying Piglet's A-1j /Skyraider, MS generic weather.
Landed at Khorat VTUN, Got a problem with the darn Duenna. The darn thing won't add the picture etc to the Duenna outlook. So I is out of the program
Jim, if you have a text file, that's really all that is needed.
Paul, I deleted all the Duenna information, and going to reload it. Had the same problem when trying to do the RTW,:encouragement:
Jim- If you would toggle on the flight tracking and position feed in the duenna settings, we could at least track you and have a backup of your flight.


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:running:Here hoping that with the help of PRB and Moses we have got my problems with the Duenna corrected. Sooooo here we go again.

Leaving Taphao VTBU and heading for KHorat VTUN. Flying Piglet's A-1 Sky raider. Using generic MS weather. :encouragement:
Hehe, Landed! at the start of the flight the weather was questionable, but cleared up nicely on approach.:very_drunk:

Landed at VTUM, duenna still isn't placing the result of the flight into any folder! :banghead: Paul, I hope this show the flight OK.:encouragement:
Jim, if you are using the latest version of Duenna, the files should be located at C:\Users\[your computer name]\Documents\FS-DUENNA\ It looks like the file got generated ok, since you posted a picture of it... :)
Thanks Paul, hehe, senior moments, as usual, forgot where those rascal go. Again, you and Kevin Thanks.:very_drunk:
Hey there! Off again,

From VTUN Khorat to VTPI Takhli, Flying Piglet's A-1 Skyraider. generic MS weather, :encouragement:
:wavey:I don't know why, but we made another one.

Landed at Takhi UTPI during a rain storm, wet runway little tricky with the brakes, but one good thing, I got me plane washed. hehe:biggrin-new:
As usual, I have a problem with the duenna, need to go to my shop and get a bigger hammer!:pop4:
:a1310:Me think the duenna and I have come to some kind of agreement! but wouldn't bet on it.:biggrin-new:

Alright, here we go. VTPI Takhli to VTUD Udon Thani, flying Piglet's A-1 Skyraider. still using MS generic weather.
Ha ha,or hehe I made another one.

Landed at VTUD coming from VTPI, One heck of a cross wind landing, but, with our luck, we made it.
Beware. The Duenna will mark you at VTED when you land at Udon, instead of the correct VTUD. It's happened to two of us so far.
Just a heads up...
Darn duenna if ani't going screwy, its Ms shut me down saying they are protecting my puter.:redfire:
:running:Off and running! leaving Udon Thani VTUD and with any kind of luck should be heading for DienBien VVDB,:encouragement: were hoping to have better luck than the French did back in 1953 at Dien Bien Phu.

Flying Piglet's A-1 Skyraider, still using MS generic weather.
:wiggle:another one in the books. Landed at Dienbien VVDB. Rough wind flying over those mountains in LAOS some of those darn wind coming out of those valleys almost turned me over a number of times, but it kept me awake I think. hehe
Hey yall! me think we have a lot of splinter in me tires from the planked runway! No problem going to leave ASAP.

Leaving VVDB DienBien heading towards Hanoi VVNB.:wiggle: