TacPack and ASN potential issue


Charter Member
Hi chaps,

I've come across an issue with P3d with both TacPack and Active Sky Next installed. It seems TP is generating quite a few (dozens a second) simconnect exceptions. While harmless in itself, ASN logs all these to a text file, resulting in a huge file on your hard drive. I had one that was well over 10gb, and that was after a relatively short sim session.
If you have ASN keep more than one log, there may well be several of these.
VRS are aware of the problem, but according to them it's an issue with P3d itself (they have informed LM) so there is nothing they can do, although they continue to try and find a way around it. Note, it doesn't happen in FSX.

I suppose any program that generates a simconnect log may well also produce huge files, so be aware.
I've asked over at the ASN forums if it's possible to disable logging, but no reply so far.
Thanks for the warning.
I took a look into my ASN folder but I coudn't find any log file.
Could you explain where these logs are located please ?
Also, are they generated by default, or is it some kind of option ?
It's in "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Hifi\ASNP3D", filename is ASN_SimConnectionLog.txt
Unfortunately, it's generated by default and cannot be turned off. There is a setting in ASN for the number of logs kept, but the minimum is 1 (default is 2 I think).
Ah, thanks again.
It seems I am a bit lucky: the file is just 4,8 MB, so it's still quite small.
I am using ASN and TacPack, but only with P3D 2.4 (of course I have to refuse the ASN update each time I launch it). Perhaps this older version is less problematic ?
That's interesting. I'm using the latest version of TP, with P3d 2.5. I'm sure it's TP causing the problem, because if I disable that, I don't get the vast logging. The log was growing at the rate of about a meg every 30 seconds or so. Every other add-on, AI traffic & anything else I could think of was disabled.
Also tried with Open Clouds rather than ASN as that records the messages to a window rather than a log file, & they still show up.
Perhaps I am not using the latest TacPack version...
I have installed it when it became available for P3D, but then I never updated it anymore.