Tactical display and hud?

Cees Donker

Staff member
I have a rectangular tactical display and no HUD! :banghead: Anyone familiar with these issues?

Thanks for helping!

If you cannot find the requisite key toggle, then go straight to the ViewUI.xml under your application data pathway for the relevant pathway. If you have a backup, just plonk it into the folder. There is a downloadable explanation by Microsoft of the different parts of the ViewUI file that can tell you everything that you need. It will proabably be under the SDKs section here at SOH. edit- http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=175

I'd upload a good version of the relevant section of the viewui, but I'm not on my home PC.

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I copied a viewUI.XML from another install. Problem solved.:jump:

Excellent, my little niece in holland has the same prob when i installed the game for her.

So just take a viewui.xml from another install and the problem will be solved?

Hehe will save me alot of time and agony
Thx Cees for finding yet another solution