Tactical Sisplay symbol's colors


I am trying to change the colrs of the TD icons in Frosty;'s TAC Display Radar (old H2S). He has all icons black namely 0xFF000000 . I am trying to put all but the GoalColor transparent which I though was 0x00FFFFFF. See below

<Colors FriendColor="ox00FFFFFF" EnemyColor="0x00FFFFFF" TargetColor="0xFF000000" BogieColor="0x00FFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFF000000" HumanFriendColor="0x00FFFFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0x00FFFFFF"/>

This is what is in the ViewUI, but I am still getting all icons in black, Is my hex no. for transparent correct or am I doing something wrong?
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Fixed the 1 o so all like this now but still get black icons.:dizzy:

Colors FriendColor="0x00FFFFFF" EnemyColor="0x00FFFFFF" TargetColor="0xFF000000" BogieColor="0x00FFFFFF" GoalColor="0x00FFFFFF" HumanFriendColor="0x00FFFFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0x00FFFFFF"/>


Note ViewUI in game

<Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF"/>

Well also tried <Colors FriendColor="0x00000000" EnemyColor="0x00000000" TargetColor="0xFF000000" BogieColor="0x00000000" GoalColor="0xFF000000" HumanFriendColor="0x00000000" HumanEnemyColor="0x00000000"/>

AFAIK, the 1st 2 of the 8 letters/numbers induicate transparency so "00" should be 100% transparent while "000000" is blabk. Above "00FFFFFF" would be 100% transparent white.

However neither work as still getting "FF000000" which is black 100% opaque!:banghead: