Will this be on the existing map or are you going to create a separate map like PTO?
No, the Netherlands is in the middle of the present ETO map so there is no need to create a new theater, but there are still some things that need tp be improved in the Dutch landscape (like rivers and the Afsluitdijk)
Compatibility with the ETO Expansion addon like it is now is our main focus and it should include action for all era's in ETO Expansion between 1936 and 1945 (Dutch neutrality, German invasion, Battle of Britain, the allied bombing offensive against Germany, Market Garden and the liberation of Europe)
The team has not decided about a date of release, but it's not realistic to have things finished with the forthcoming marchupdate for ETO Expansion, but we still have to vote for that....
Creating the Dutch flag was a symbolic start, I have been working on and planning a Dutch addon since CFS 3 came out in 2002/2003.
Some of the stuff will be converted items from other flightsims (I've been asking around in other forums on the SOH, some people did not like that) and newly designed items, but there will be some Fokkers in CFS 3 soon
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