Tell us what aircraft/model you are talking about. But generally you can mod prop/turbo prop/jet engines to give you more 'static thrust'. Too much and you won't be able to keep it from moving, and when landing you will need to add more drag to flaps, or increase spoiler drag or you won't be able to get under 200/300/400 kts (depending on engine type) so you won't be able to make 'normal' landings with it. I am curious which airplane you are dealing with as I can help you mod it. Also, if you crank in +4.0 of up pitch trim it (any) will take off on it's own at 'x' kts (watch out for STALL!) although this 'trick' does not depend on higher speed(s) but (mostly) 'dynamics'. If you want to 'fiddle' with specs here is the sections to adjust:
-type 1 //jet
thrust_scalar= 1.3 //*** increase to 2.5?
-type 0 //piston
power_scalar = 1.3 //*** increase to 2.5?
thrust_scalar = 1.3 //*** increase to 2.5?
-type 5 //turbo-prop
fuel_flow_gain= 0.011 //Gain on fuel flow
inlet_area= 1.0 //Square Feet, engine nacelle inlet area
rated_N2_rpm= 33000 //RPM, second stage compressor rated value
static_thrust= 158 //*** increase to 350? //Lbs, max rated static thrust at Sea Level
power_scalar= 1.0 //*** increase to 2.5? //Scalar on Turboprop power
maximum_torque= 1865 //*** increase to 2990? //Maximum torque available (ft-lbs)
Chuck B