Tamed Bears for all...

Very clean looking lines on these babies. Looks like the owners are proud of her basic physique. :ernae:
Tamed bear?! You may have de-clawed it, but its still has teeth!

I've found that you have to really open the throttles SLOWLY if you want to stay ON the runway.:bump:
nice paints here's my WIP the 'Hun Hitter', with 6.5kills marked still gotta add stencils, a slight sheen and of course move a few bits, even the D-Day stripes are uneven, as they should be due to them being Hand painted and not a stencil... still gotta touch them up a bit too... 'Hun Hitter' i've assigned as a pathfinder/lead aircraft, hence the bright tail markings to keep track in large formations... oh and i forgot note the gun ports in the nose! a real strafing rig!


