Tarawa Fleets package issue.


Something that's always been a headache for me is the land-able decks for the Tarawa Fleets/Missions scenery, off the western coast of Korea.
All of the land-able decks are not high enough and while they all work, some decks are off by as much as 7 feet so you wind up sinking below the flight deck. :indecisiveness:

I've tried every BGL editor I have to de-compile these files and reset the deck height but even BGLAnalyse from Scruffy Duck can't load these BGLs.:dizzy:
I'm pretty sure the author used a hex editor to convert his scenery from FS2002 to FS9. :wink-new:

I think I can fix them, I just need to add an apron just below (inside) the 3D model decks using AFCAD.

Before I do that, has anyone ever seen a patch/update for the Tarawa Fleets/Missions packages?
I don't want to hack on these BGLs for a whole day only to find out that I could have installed an update.
Also, if I get them to work- would anyone want the corrected BGL's? This is only for the ships off the coast of South Korea. :wiggle:

As a bonus, I was doing some searching earlier and found out the real USS Tarawa will be the "guest of honor" during a SINKEX at this year's RIMPAC. :dizzy:
So, one day and 60 views later, and I'm giving up. :dizzy:
This is a nice scenery package when you include the missions, just stay away from Korea and the Yellow Sea. :173go1:
I have a pretty good collection of scenery tools/software and nothing could fix the sunken decks.
I don't know if this is due to how the scenery layers are stacked or how the 3D parts of the package were assembled, but my idea of adding an apron just below the 3D decks did absolutely nothing. It probably didn't help that I had added updated ground textures and elevations to Korea so it looked like I remembered it back in the late 1980's. :indecisiveness:

Meanwhile, I started playing around with the traffic files for the good old Carriers 2006 package and its pretty good. :wiggle:
I swapped out the AI aircraft I don't have for an Abacus Seahawk and some MAIW Hornets (VFA-106) by taking the traffic BGLs apart and editing the Aircraft file with Traffic Tools. My new (Norfolk) traffic looks good and flies "about right" for a 2006 upload. The AI isn't over-crowded so I'll be adding them to some of the other CVN's as well.
Bob,maybe give Rob Barengt a shout if you can find him.
IIRC,he had a lot to do with most of the carrier packages out there.
That's a good idea and if Rob is still hanging around, he's more than welcome to chime in. :ernaehrung004:
I just got to the point where I heeded the advice of Paul McCartney and "let it be". :indecisiveness:

Back in the good old days of Freeflight Design Shop, the folks would use a scenery design 3D program to "stitch" together a couple of BGLs using a hex editor then rename it as an aircraft MDL. It worked, but there was no way to de-compile that kind of a hybrid.

Likewise, as I was puttering around with some traffic BGL's I noticed that Traffic Tools can have issues with renamed (longer file name) BGLs, so maybe that's what's going on with the Korean ships?