Something that's always been a headache for me is the land-able decks for the Tarawa Fleets/Missions scenery, off the western coast of Korea.
All of the land-able decks are not high enough and while they all work, some decks are off by as much as 7 feet so you wind up sinking below the flight deck.
I've tried every BGL editor I have to de-compile these files and reset the deck height but even BGLAnalyse from Scruffy Duck can't load these BGLs.
I'm pretty sure the author used a hex editor to convert his scenery from FS2002 to FS9.
I think I can fix them, I just need to add an apron just below (inside) the 3D model decks using AFCAD.
Before I do that, has anyone ever seen a patch/update for the Tarawa Fleets/Missions packages?
I don't want to hack on these BGLs for a whole day only to find out that I could have installed an update.
Also, if I get them to work- would anyone want the corrected BGL's? This is only for the ships off the coast of South Korea.
As a bonus, I was doing some searching earlier and found out the real USS Tarawa will be the "guest of honor" during a SINKEX at this year's RIMPAC.
All of the land-able decks are not high enough and while they all work, some decks are off by as much as 7 feet so you wind up sinking below the flight deck.
I've tried every BGL editor I have to de-compile these files and reset the deck height but even BGLAnalyse from Scruffy Duck can't load these BGLs.
I'm pretty sure the author used a hex editor to convert his scenery from FS2002 to FS9.
I think I can fix them, I just need to add an apron just below (inside) the 3D model decks using AFCAD.
Before I do that, has anyone ever seen a patch/update for the Tarawa Fleets/Missions packages?
I don't want to hack on these BGLs for a whole day only to find out that I could have installed an update.
Also, if I get them to work- would anyone want the corrected BGL's? This is only for the ships off the coast of South Korea.
As a bonus, I was doing some searching earlier and found out the real USS Tarawa will be the "guest of honor" during a SINKEX at this year's RIMPAC.