Target rich environment



This is NOT a complaint! (Just to start off on the right foot)

I've started a number of campaigns (I manage to keep killing my pilots) and I keep encountering 8 to 12 enemy aircraft to my flight of 3 or 4. So far, I've been unable to just fly away, I figure "better to have a bad guy at your six than no bad guys at all" but 3 or 4 of them usually change my opinion (belatedly) on this one!

Have I put a campaign setting too high which is resulting in me encountering soooo many enemy a/c, or is this "just the way it is?"

I'm obviously enjoying the daylights out of the game, since I keep on coming back to die some more! Thanks, devs!
When you're outnumbered like that you can't go for the kill as it were, doing that is what'll get you killed. Fly like a looney and take whatever snap-shots opportunity presents, but try and tend towards a direction that'll take you near friendly ground forces. If it's really too hot, and you're over friendly territory, set the plane down.
Hi Windchill,
Check your settings in Workshops - there are various settings including level of activity. You've probably set it to Heavy - try lowering it.
Since the game is historical, I believe the ratio of Krumpets to Huns changes, just as it did in the war. If you're flying for Germany in mid to late 1918, you will encounter lopsided numbers in the Allies' favor. If you want even odds, read a book and find out at what time during the war the odds were most even. Or ask someone.

It's my understanding that the Germans starting going around in full Jasta strength before Bloody April. In fact, this was one of the reasons for the lopsided casualty rates that month. The Brits were going around in many small groups and the Germans were in a few very large groups. Thus, nearly every time there was contact, the Germans had a large local superiority in addition to the other advantages they enjoyed.
I tend to turn away from those odds and try to find another target unless I have an altitude advantage. Much more than 1-1.25 ratio and I show my brilliant yellow streak up my back because if I fight I wind up a dull red smear on the ground.
Depending on the Number of Hostiles, to fight can be Stupidity

Labels will tell you precisely who you're up against

Do you have a greater climb rate ( ESCAPE )

Are there any Big Nasty Clouds to duck into ( heck with what CAN happen)

Is your Top Speed 1 mph greater ( RUN )

Unfortunately, most times they're above you

An old comedy act, was "Get in the fight, and giv'em the old 1, 3 the 1, 3"

"What about the 2 ?"

"The 2 . . .you get" :kilroy:
Or try and lure an over-eager enemy away from their flight (this works 50% of the time for me) for a few miles and then........have him.
Or try and lure an over-eager enemy away from their flight (this works 50% of the time for me) for a few miles and then........have him.

Not only this, but it seems like a few good bursts here and there will pursuade a bad guy to break off; either that or it is related to the waypoint bug we are all seeing where planes will wander off and loiter, but I swear that I have had huns follow me a ways when I am low on ammo or damaged, I will swing around, punch them in the nose and they will head home. In a furball, if you try what Siggi or jayo says, you stand a pretty good chance of breaking free, even if you don't go home with the belle of the ball!
Thanks to all for the responses. But apparently I didn't communicate well! :faint:

The nature of the question was answered by Sandbagger - thanks for the suggestion. I do believe it is at "heavy." Just for the record, most of these flights have been German and in 1916 or very early 1917.

I understand that flinging myself head-long into those odds has a low probability of success, I also understand that discretion is the better part of valor (I really enjoyed the "brilliant yellow streak" remark, rockmedic). My question was specifically about the settings, not my poor engagement judgement.

Thanks again, all! Have GREAT flights!