TCA Yoke - Hardware or Software Issue with MSFS 2020 ?


Charter Member
Unfortunately this frustration still haunts me, the unannounced lifting of the a/c's right wing when in level flight. When this happens my short term fix is to hit the escape tab , head over to the "Control Options" tab and I notice the white line under the "Aileron Axis Joystick L - Axis X" is very unstable ( jumping back and forth ) I manipulate the Yoke from side to side - left aileron / right aileron and things for the most part settle down. Have tweaked the sensitivity values to no avail. Curious if someone else has experienced this grump with their TCA Yoke ?

Unfortunately this frustration still haunts me, the unannounced lifting of the a/c's right wing when in level flight. When this happens my short term fix is to hit the escape tab , head over to the "Control Options" tab and I notice the white line under the "Aileron Axis Joystick L - Axis X" is very unstable ( jumping back and forth ) I manipulate the Yoke from side to side - left aileron / right aileron and things for the most part settle down. Have tweaked the sensitivity values to no avail. Curious if someone else has experienced this grump with their TCA Yoke ?

That sounds like a dirty pot or hall sensor. Are you able to replace the offending component?

Appreciate the thought, but my skills to pull the Yoke apart to repair is nil. Purchased the Yoke new about a year ago, when this concern surfaced I created a help ticket with Thrustmaster and their response was far to cumberson to help us. My wife who's well versed in things "IT" shook her head at the list of required steps and procedures and she said "nope" unable to make that happen !!
Recently cruised the MSFS forums and was very surprised to see many Simmers with the same concern re this aileron axis grump. Some have sent their hardware back to Thrustmaster with varying degrees of success. Then I read on and a fellow Simmer over on the forum with this concern recommends moving the yoke back and forth while your chosen flight is loading. How he's determine that this action is the answer we will never know but I've tested it and it works, no more unannounced aileron roll or flickering ailerons while sitting on the ground. The small caveat for this workaround is you must complete this task prior to every flight, not the end of the world !! .... Amen :)
My TCA yoke seems to suffer from the same problem, excepted it's for the rudder (yoke twist) axis.
Seems to become better after I slam it at all extremities of all axis.
Why nowadays hardware makers can't do it like Microsoft did anymore ? My SideWinder FFB2 never had any problems in 20 years. No false contact, no hesitant axis... That was proper hardware. In comparison, I have sometimes the feeling my TCA yoke+quadrant is just a dirty piece of cheap plastic...
My TCA yoke seems to suffer from the same problem, excepted it's for the rudder (yoke twist) axis.
Seems to become better after I slam it at all extremities of all axis.
Why nowadays hardware makers can't do it like Microsoft did anymore ? My SideWinder FFB2 never had any problems in 20 years. No false contact, no hesitant axis... That was proper hardware. In comparison, I have sometimes the feeling my TCA yoke+quadrant is just a dirty piece of cheap plastic...
There's dozen's. of everyday things that I can say "They don't make them like they used to".
I think it's something in the sim. My Saitek equipment (yoke or stick) does the same thing, seemingly on different axis each time. I do the same as Daube, slamming the axis to full throw, or rotation a couple times. It seems the sim has to see a total recalibration of end points each time it boots. And Microsoft removed the quick calibration/test program, or hid it very well, I can't find it.
I think it's something in the sim. My Saitek equipment (yoke or stick) does the same thing, seemingly on different axis each time. I do the same as Daube, slamming the axis to full throw, or rotation a couple times. It seems the sim has to see a total recalibration of end points each time it boots. And Microsoft removed the quick calibration/test program, or hid it very well, I can't find it.

In my case it happens on all sims. MSFS, XPlane12, and also Star Citizen...