TDS B-727 release


Charter Member
TDS B-727 release
For tubes lovers :adoration:
Available at
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Passenger Base Package
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200F (Freighter) Base Package
FS2004 Zero G "G-Force One" TDS 727-200F
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Continental Airlines Pack
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Trump Shuttle Pack
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200F Air Class Cargo Package
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200F Cargo Amerijet Package
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Passenger AA Livery Package
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Passenger ATA 25th Package
FS2004 TDS Boeing 727-200 Passenger US Air Livery Package

I put it in FSX this morning and briefly flew it. Looked and worked fine. VERY NICE plane! I am looking forward to the FSX version.

Hiroshi finally did a 727!?!? HOT DIGGITY!!!! Downloading the base freighter now at Flightsim's painfully slow pace.
Have the "ZeroG" version. Absolutely stunning 3D model, the detail is literally eye-popping.... but no VC.:dejection: Still.. it's an amazing model to watch in the spot view.

Ken Wiggington did some superb 2D cockpits for the TDS 787 Dreamliner, and there is an excellent FMC system (For FSX but works well with FS9, "Garrett fmc-1"). Maybe he'll come up with something for the TDS 727-200. The Honeywell FMC was done by Garrett Smith and it's as close to the real FMC as you can get.

I've been using Ken's 787 Panel with the TDS 787-3 and it does work very well. I'm also using Eric Marciano's payware EasyFMC, which has a Utility included where you can add the EasyFMC to any airplane. It also works nicely. I agree with BB686... I hope Ken does a Panel for the 727!

Alan :biggrin-new:
The 727 panel by Richard Probst is the best.

Size: 12,535,086 Date: 11-18-2005

FS2004 Panel--Boeing 727. By Richard Probst.

But to be honest you can't go past the Historic Jet Group range of freeware aircraft for accuracy and flight handling.

That search ID is expired. What's the filename?

Sorry 'bout that, Tom... this is the one I referenced, although when I loaded it into the Sim, I got an Error message regarding a couple of the Gauges (Pitot Heat, and another one I cannot remember). Could be a trip back to the Panel Shop for another selection... Alan :redface-new:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Panel--Boeing 727
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Size: 4,181,110 Date: 05-28-2004 Downloads: 11,638


FS2004 Panel--Boeing 727. This B727 panel has been optimized for the virtual airline and virtual cargo pilot. Built around Mike Stone's FS2002 model 727 but useful on any 727. Offers good forward visibility. Clear and legible gauges, fully functional with no junky eye candy. No panel-blocking windowed radio stack or throttle quadrant, everything save for GPS is right up front where it belongs. This panel is for those of you who must fly the 727 into live traffic and bad real-world weather. Individual engine start/stop controls, fuel computer, highly readable ILS glideslope and traditional 727 type autopilot. Tested accurate on NAV1 ILS approach coupling. Includes config files for four different night illumination choices. Requires FS2002's Concorde gauge set. This panel has been designed for 1280x1024 resolution and has been tested in FS2004 only. By Gary Smith.

Save the above text in a Notepad file. Then when you need to reference a file here, just plug the filename in at the end with no space and paste the whole thing here. That will then redirect to a "searched" link.