Team SDB Raf Scampton FS9 Scenery PROBLEM ! ! !


Charter Member
Team SDB Raf Scampton FS9 Scenery problem

I just bought the Raf Scampton Scenery from FlightSim.Com ( 11.00 Us$ )
No problem with the auto installer and standard activation of this scenery.

But when using it I have a big problem :

Example :

I select a flight from Scampton with a Red Arrows colored Iris Hawk TMk.1
No problem.
The aircraft is correctly set at the runway treshhold ready for take off.
Aircraft and Scenery fully colored. Stable 20 fps on all views options.

Take off using 2D VC Tower and Spot views
No problem.

Back to 2D view I open my GPS window for a circuit reference and start a 270 degree
turn for a pass over the Air Base.
I chose Spot View
Suprise !!!!!

My Hawk is now totally uncolored !
The entire Scampton air base is totally uncolored !
My GPS window is now totally jammed even if I maintain my 270 degree turn !

I end the flight using the escape key

Suprise !!!!!!
The entire FS9 program is shut off without giving me the "End OF Flight" window.
I am back to my PC basic page.

Can you help me ?
I'll get Mike to look at this.
Sorry for the problem you are having, although no other problems have been reported.
This scenery has been out for at least 18 months now with no reported problems at all. Both versions were extensively tested by several Beta testers before release. It works fine with the Rick Piper's Skysim Hawk in FSX and the default aircraft in both sims. The fault would appear to lie with either the setup (memory) and the Iris Hawk or both.
Not sure, but it sounds like a memory leak.
Does the default C172 work ok with the scenery?

That would be a good test.

I painted the textures included in the package for the AI Red Arrows (you need to get an MAIW Hawk to use them) so I flew around it quite a bit before it was released. I never encountered anything like that. And I don't have the Iris Hawk TMk.1 to test it now. Is the problem readlily reproducable or did it just happen once. If it happens every time take out one element at a time (you mentioned three) to see where the problem lies.