tech question for the dev


Charter Member
i know before you even rip me to bad but have to ask, once i get my ph3 is there anyway imight be able to add my fav from the p1 days the hanriot, even tho i haveheard there arent any belgian or evan :( itlaian sqauds, can i maybe add it to the french in campain mode?
Post V1.3 there will be some free downloadable content posted on our website - we will post details about this soon but it will include:

1) Extra Craft (list in development now)
2) Extra Squad data to use/support the extra craft.


Great, Winder! But shouldn't you have some time off first? There is so much to experience in the new game (see my new threads); it should last for long enough, that you could have some holidays?
Post V1.3 there will be some free downloadable content posted on our website - we will post details about this soon but it will include:

1) Extra Craft (list in development now)
2) Extra Squad data to use/support the extra craft.




Super excited to hear this!!! Here's hoping that some of the interupted pilot timelines get completed with the new aircraft. (a DH-5 and some new Neuports (23&24) would really be nice!!! *wink*). Will happily take anything being offered though...thanks!
thx for the heads up winder, as alway any thing i ahve feel free to use i know whlie back shedward had inquired about my itlay austrian/hungarian stuff,, be happy to throw it in the pot if you think it mighthelp