Technical Question



In CFS3 (therefore in OFF2 as well as OFF3) there are simulation messages which can be disabled via cfsconfig. I am talking about the blue and red messages apearing on the top of your screen.(Jasta 11 airman hit your gas tank//You hit Jasta 11 Airman//Waypoint 2 reached etc.) I know there is a way to disable all of these messages but is there a way to disable part of them? To be more precise I want ALL of the combat messages to be disabled (the you-got-hit-there and you-hit-him messages) and keep ONLY the waypoint messages.
Is there a file that you can alter to make this work?
Easily done. Run the csf3config program (OFF main directory) and tick the boxes to disable all the messages.
Thats not what I really meant :isadizzy:.
I want to disable certain parts of these messages and not all of them. I want only the ones regarding waypoints visible.
Couldn't find that possible. But you could switch it all off, and fly with the "radar" screen on 1 or two miles (so that's not cheating - that's a distance were you can see planes anyway), and then fly off the waypoints there (blue line). Cheers; Olham
Hmm something else...can I have my tactical display on and kill the blue line(the one pointing to the next waypoint)
Thats not what I really meant :isadizzy:.
I want to disable certain parts of these messages and not all of them. I want only the ones regarding waypoints visible.

Ooops, sorry. Yes I see now. Well, give the config file a look anyway as there are about three different tick boxes for messages, so you can tick only the things you want to lose and don't tick what you want to keep.

My personal opinion is to loose all the unrealistic stuff on the screen (messages, TAC, labels etc), forcing you to see, fly, and navigate as the real pilots did. But that's just me.
Don't think you can lose the Blue line ever.

The ultimate cheat is to drag the F5 Compass to the center of your TAC screen. Everything works perfecly. Just don't stare at the blue line

Or you could go au-naturale without the TAC at all :isadizzy:
here's a it possible to change the colour of the messages?
If so then you could always change the colour of the combat messages to 'clear', that way they'd still be displayed but you would see nothing.