Telegram for UK airbases



All UK fliers (stop)

My wife and I made our first trip to England this past May. Just love the country, especially the countryside, and we hope to visit again next May.
I particularly want to see the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden and I hope to see the Sopwith Camel that was being built for them, but I can't find out if it's finished and on display. The only contact link I've found is on the Shuttleworth website, but it doesn't work although I've tried it over numerous days.

Can anyone in the UK tell me if the Camel is on display at Old Warden?

Many thanks (stop)
Hey ho Jimko..

I think the UK is a crock.. but then it doesnt belong to me.......
This web site is a pretty good link.. friendly general aviation pilots..
I used to use it a lot when I was trying to become a pilot... try the idle chit chat forum and just ask... they would know I think and

they are a good bunch .. and you might get some help into the air there if you put it about that you are visiting.. They often arrange 'meets' at special airfields for fun stuff... I assume that because you come from Nanaimo you fly a bit..:wiggle:
I assume that because you come from Nanaimo you fly a bit..QUOTE]

Hi there, wehyam!

I do fly a bit in real life, but only with someone else at the controls...:icon_lol:

In the 60's as a young guy I spent a couple of years as a helicopter 'passenger' and had some exciting (and some scary) moments. Actually, a safer assumption with someone coming from this area would be that they own a boat or like sailing as Nanaimo is on Vancouver Island, BC which is about 1/5 the size of England, I think, and served by ferry and by air from the mainland...lots of boats and ocean activity, but no boat for me thanks unless it's the big one that hauls cars and passengers to Vancouver...:d

I'm sure it's probably been pointed out in this forum before, but since I'm a newcomer and don't know that, I'll mention just for interest sake that the famous WW1 ace Raymond Collishaw was born and raised here and of course most of you know about his Sopwith triplane "Black Maria".

Thanks for the link and I'll use it to try and find out more about the Camel.

"The older we get, the better we were!" ... And that mate, is bloody right ...

:ernae:I said that in my Australian voice..not that I'm Australian.. but..