Tempest Mark II for CFS3


Staff member
The Hawker Tempest Mk.II is out. At last.


This model is for any CFS3 installation which has AvHistory Weapons and Effects installed. (MAW, ETO and Rising Sun already have these)

Model by Tom Faulds

Graphics These are John Whelan’s wonderful work, I really don't know how he does it! Nigel Dickinson very kindly volunteered the .mos file and damage textures.
Johno_UK sent me the engine texture, and the Headshaker gunsight code. Thanks also to Vitus for his Photoshop tutorials (you too can paint authentic gauges): keep the dirty side down, mate!

Flight model My grateful thanks to Rene Leppä for his sterling work. It seems I could have been faffing at this for ages, but he kindly volunteered to take the job off my hands. Thank you, Rene!

Sounds Nigel Richards sent me his 2014 Sea Fury soundpack for FSX and it’s included with his kind permission: if you’ve ever watched one display you’ll recognise the distinct Centaurus rumble. Αίεν Υψικρατείν, Nigel! The Hispano Mk.V cannon sounds are derived from the Microsoft original: I wanted something beefier.

XDP and CFG files Rob Stevenson made some valuable suggestions for the cockpit views and extensively reworked the aircraft.cfg: thanks Rob!


There are four distinct versions:–

MW774, HF-X, was one of the first Tempest Mk.IIs issued to 183 Squadron, Chilbolton in 1945: the squadron was renumbered as 54 Squadron in November the same year. This model can carry the “Tiger Force” loadout of twin bombs (500 or 1,000lb each) with a single 90 gallon drop tank under the fuselage.

PR733, EG-X was flown by Sqn Ldr R. E. Mooney of 16 Squadron RAF, British Forces of Occupation, Fassberg, Germany in 1947. This was an FB.2 with strengthened wings.

PR674, FR-C was flown by Wing Commander Frank R Carey while OC 135 Wing RAF, 1948, and carries his pennant. In common with PR733, this is the tropicalised version of the Tempest FB.2 with the air filter intake on top of the fuselage. There are two versions of this paint, the second looking very worn and tired. Set your season to Autumn in CFS3 to see this.

A139, T, of the Royal Pakistan Air Force (1947-1956); formerly PR809 of the RAF. Pakistan were the last and the longest operators of the type.




Out when the Library has looked it over!
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The model has a gyro gunsight. Keep an enemy fighter's wingspan fitting neatly in the circle of pips while the circle is still "floating" and apply the trigger: good night...


You'll either love it or hate it so there's also an alternative fixed reticule, just like the original:–


My thanks to Allen House and Paul McSweeney of Pioneer Aero in New Zealand for details of the gyro reticules.

That's it folks, have fun!

Lovely aircraft beautifully made and a pleasure to fly, really good textures too. Well done to all involved, thanks.:icon29:


It appears that the two projection lenses were dedicated to an air-to-ground reticle on the left, and an air-to-air reticle on the right.

This is as close as I can come to simulating that using the Dynamic Reticles with AnKor's shaders.

Add GyroReticule.dds to the [ReticleStatic] section of the TextureMagic.ini file in the Shaders30 folder.

Add these lines to the effects section of the aircraft xdp file:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_K14_gunsight" PosX="0.025" PosZ="-0.375" PosY="0.9175" Pitch="89.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_l3a_gunsight" PosX="-0.025" PosZ="-0.375" PosY="0.9175" Pitch="89.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

If you prefer to have only the air-to-air reticle moving over the entire width use:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_K14_gunsight" PosX="0.025" PosZ="-0.375" PosY="0.9175" Pitch="89.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_K14_gunsight" PosX="-0.025" PosZ="-0.375" PosY="0.9175" Pitch="89.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
Wow, thank you Hairyspin and all involved! :applause:

I've got a really heavy duty session of aircraft installations to undertake - will probably need a day or more I hate to admit - and that's not including all the dynamic reticules floating about.

This timing for the Tempest is excellent - there are all BorekS's test projects to shoot down!
Beautiful job to all involved :) Cant wait to try it. There's nothing like the sound of those Bristol engines....


It appears that the two projection lenses were dedicated to an air-to-ground reticle on the left, and an air-to-air reticle on the right.

The two lenses were dedicated as you say: I think your data is of the US, possibly a later version of the same gunsight.

What we can't do in CFS3 is adjust the floating reticule size in flight. The throttle had a twist grip and having selected wingspan on the big dial on the gunsight, the pilot twisted the grip to keep the circle of pips fitted neatly around the enemy a/c wingspan. Early versions had the aircraft type marked on the dial: Bf109, Fw190, He177... This way the sight adjusted for distance as you closed with the enemy and the increase in successes led to it being christened the "ace maker". Afaik the Germans had one too, although I don't know too much about it.

Changing between left and right reticules would have meant faffing with gun convergence in the .XDP so I went for each reticule being central instead. It seemed a reasonable compromise at the time.
If you're using the Dynamic Reticles available through AnKor's shaders you can have up to ten different ranging sizes. You can rotate through the different sizes using the { and } keys. The K14 reticle I posted above has three range presets as it's default, but that can easily be customized in the TextureMagic.ini file with a text edit.
That is interesting!!

edit: does AngKor's reticule mechanism allow for the distance to target changing? :dizzy:
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Flight model My grateful thanks to Rene Leppä for his sterling work. It seems I could have been faffing at this for ages, but he kindly volunteered to take the job off my hands. Thank you, Rene!

The real thanks go to Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson, he made the original air file for the AvHistory 4.00 series Tempest. My job was to swap the Sabre for a Centaurus and fine tune a bit, that's all.
That is interesting!!

edit: does AnKor's reticule mechanism allow for the distance to target changing? :dizzy:

Like the original gunsights, is assumes that the gun convergence has already been set to a particular distance (typically between 300m and 400m), and then you use the presets to match the apparent wingspan of different types of aircraft at that range.

Posts #138, #146, and #147 linked here explain it in more detail.

I just verified the rate of climb from starting to roll down the runway to 15,200 ft is spot on the 4.5 min specified. At full throttle, and a steady 15 degree angle, she holds her speed at about 175 mph. Nice job!

I thought the roll rate seem a bit slow, and it took me a while to find a reference, but it's currently set at minimum 60 deg/sec appropriate for the lowest and highest speed ends of the range.

This is completely optional, but flying at 250 mph, 95 deg/sec would be more appropriate, and that adjustment to the flight model can be achieved most easily with an edit to the aircraft.cfg file. In the [flight_tuning] section set aileron_effectiveness = 1.5 (versus the original 1)

I thought the roll rate seem a bit slow, and it took me a while to find a reference, but it's currently set at minimum 60 deg/sec appropriate for the lowest and highest speed ends of the range.

This is completely optional, but flying at 250 mph, 95 deg/sec would be more appropriate, and that adjustment to the flight model can be achieved most easily with an edit to the aircraft.cfg file. In the [flight_tuning] section set aileron_effectiveness = 1.5 (versus the original 1)

I don't know what you're after but the aircraft most definitely has a correct rate of roll. I tried at practically zero feet, 260 mph or so, and put the stick hard to the side when the clock reached 00 seconds. It reached 05 seconds just as the wings were level again. Now, roll rate is higher at higher altitudes so the next test was at around 5500 feet, 270 mph or so, and I could easily see the 04 seconds on the clock. With the initial inertia slowing down the very beginning of the roll I don't see the problem.

And then there's this.

I timed it with a stopwatch, and it was taking slightly over 6 seconds. Perhaps some difference in our computers? I'm getting 65-80 FPS.
That one was well worth waiting for!!

Beautiful model, great soundpack!! :encouragement:

Two questions: I cannot see the airspeed needle very well. Only with my nose pressed against the screen (TrackIR) it becomes visible. (Incidently, I have the same problem with one of the gauges of my P-47 build (stock gauge). Haven't solved it yet, so if you know what's causing this...). The other thing is that there seem to be some 'holes' in the VC along the sides of the fuselage ribs?
That one was well worth waiting for!!

Beautiful model, great soundpack!! :encouragement:

Two questions: I cannot see the airspeed needle very well. Only with my nose pressed against the screen (TrackIR) it becomes visible ... The other thing is that there seem to be some 'holes' in the VC along the sides of the fuselage ribs?

Gauge needles all visible here Joost, and if I use movements inside the cockpit I can just about see some very narrow gaps on one side, but I don't generally fly from that position since I'd need a periscope ... and even Owen would need his knees folded around his ears to get down there. :biggrin-new: There are always polys in the VC you don't think necessary: if you look at what's up on the FTP you can see what I left solid and what's not

I can only put your problems down to TrackIR perhaps?