

Not sure if I should put this in the screenshot section but ...


Autogen setting at dense . Compared to Orbx I thought that Terra exposed the "Carboard cut-out" look of the trees a bit more . That two piece construction of trees. Other than that the rest is an improvement imo.
Its different and makes the sim feel different. Colour change is good and species change is great. Still room for improvemnet, down the track some time .

Autogen setting at Dense - all my machine can handle smoothly

Started off in Papua New Guinee over the forests



I went to USA Darrington Mun next...


I have to agree with your remark about the "carboard" effect... however, these snowy trees in Switzerland look absolutely fantastic !!
The density of your autogen seems a bit low though. Did you add the autogen tweak "AUTOGEN_MAX_TREES_PER_CELL=6000" in your prepar3D.cfg ?
Out-bloody-standing Greenie!
The ORBX HD trees are just not quite right to my eye, despite winding them up to maximum density.
Still experimenting with Terraflora but I am very satisfied so far.
The bare trees in one of your England shots are excellent as are the snowy ones.
Going to be nice to give Latin America a makeover.
Thanks. No I haven't used the autogen tweak yet Daube . Thanks for informing me . I used to tweak the sim to the max at one time but these days I go with default and accept the level I have .Saves a lot of hassling around. I just might check this one out though ! ( once a tweaker always a tweaker !)