Terrain SDK


Charter Member 2012
Just a quick question.. Im aware the .MOS editor does not work on Vista or Windows 7 but does this apply to whole Terrain SDK package? I tried running the make_gsl application and it didnt seem to do much!
Chris - have you kept it in the folder it comes in? ie it also has a number of other files that it draws info from. Take your .csv to the make_gsl and not the other way round! :isadizzy:


Clive has the right idea using it.
There's other data files included in the SDK that the make_gsl reads from.

The way I use mine, I added an extra folder in the Terrain SDK, named it original, and keep a safe copy of the global_layer in it.

In the main Terrain SDK folder, I have copys of both the global_layer, and the gsl. When I do any changes to the global_layer, their done to that copy, and saved.
Using the make_gsl is done in that same folder. After making the new gsl, then it's simply copying the global_layer and gsl into CFS3, letting those files overwrite the existing ones.
Thanks for the replies. Ive had a go at it again. Im putting the new global_layer file into the same folder that has the make_gsl batch file in. Its asking me to over write the original global_layer folder so I select yes. I then run the make_gsl batch file and a black box appears with some writing in it and then disappears before I can read what it says. This used to happen on my old system so it seems to be running. A gsl.lib file used to appear after I did that on the old system but its not happening now... Cheers Clive by the way for sending me back the files I sent you! At the moment I think its only the later version of Westhampnett I still do not have which is the one I was working on when my computer died. Was hoping to make a start on Middle Wallop this week but Ive run into a few problems such as this one!
I'll send you my entire SDK global layer folder tonight when home again to see if that helps, you may be missing something.

Can't stop airfield construction, there's a war on you know!