Test flight


Staff member
After the Evita race earlier the year I sent my Boeing Stratoliner back for a factory overhaul. Picked it up today and made a test flight down to Oakland from Boeing Field in Seattle.

Decent flight with cooperating weather most of the way. Still need a couple of tweaks to the avionics but it'll do for now.

Now to go find something or somebodies to haul to pay for the AvGas.......
Thats pretty cool Willy. All those classics lined up neatly on that old version of Oakland airfield...

I hope you find some good shipping jobs to cover that fuel and more to come.

Reminds me of my space game, X3TC. You can go out and find jobs like that for making money, like running illegal space fuel (alcohol, hauled in space, is illegal, and pays quite well, lol).

Wouldnt it be cool if FS had that built into it.. Find tons of various jobs at little hole-in-the-wall airports that need 'side work' or 'odd cargo' hauled for money.. and you can adjust for payment of fuel, oil, etc, in costs, as well as having a bank account balance...

I've often thought it might kinda be neat to have kind of a GTA game element (that's Grand Theft Auto for y'all old guys ;)) to FS. Instead of killin' people and taking cars, you could do all the little aviation side jobs like Han Solo did in Star Wars. Kind of the space hustler/smuggler deal, but inside our technology... and atmosphere. :d

Anyway, back to the topic: it's a pretty ship there, Willy. That old ship doesn't get hard to look at at all. :ernae:
Found about 30 little old ladies from a local church that missed their flight to Las Vegas, so for a "nominal" fee, I agreed to fly them there. Pretty good flight, but that church group cleaned out the drink carts and I thought we were going to have to pour them off the plane in Vegas. I'm thinking I should have charged them more......
Merc Air: The Game?

You fellas may be on to something. I know the perfect theme song.

I was trying to embed Arlo Guthrie singing "Coming into Los Angeles" but it didn't work, sorry.

Air America ain't got nothing on Merc Air!!

Regards, Rob:ernae:
regarding the oaktown airport, I got the CC california set, just havent gone there in about two years. Thanks Willy!
The Stratoliner is getting a workout on this test flight ;).

Found out that there's a bunch of tourists stranded at Salt Lake City when their chartered DC-4 decided to puke a couple of engines and the elevators unported. So, a few long distance phone calls later, I winged my way up north to go pick them up. For a "slight" fee I've agreed to fly them to Denver tomorrow once they get finished with their sightseeing. Gotta restock the drink carts after that church group got finished with them and triple the prices on the refreshments.

I got a few pics of Vegas on the way out and some more coming into Salt Lake City.....