Test-Run Weekend


Charter Member
Well,after getting my AV stuff sorted out and getting some new planes
and missions in the game,going to give it a test run Sun and Mon
afternoon and evening. Im off those two days but because a Neighbor-
Friend of ours that we've known a long time,(Her daughter is a childhood
friend with my daughter,)She had a brain-anerysum Thursday evening,so
it looks like the wake on Sunday,and funeral on Monday. Crappy way to
start off CFS3 online for the first time I know,but somehow I'll get in here.

Hoping to use a few of the "missions" and have maybe a few "Bombers"
vs "Fighters". (Was a better bomber pilot in AHII than a furballer,could
really knock down some flyers in a turret!)

I will certainly post it when I'm ready,and looking forward to meeting
some of you there.

<S> Wyld45 02/27/09