Testers for "New Mission Maps"


Charter Member
Hey Gents,

Just recently tried my hand at a few missions,now I'd like to pass
a few along and get some opinions. If anyone is interested,I'll zip a
few up and send them your way. I've also done my own version of
"Pearl Harbor" and "Midway" using the stock CFS3 map.(I had NEK on
my other computer,but decided not to download it this time.)

Pearl seems to work fine,just the "ship" set up isnt the way I
think it should be. I duplicated another battleship for Arizona,Nevada,
Oklahoma and Virginia.

Leave me a line here and I'll pass it along. I'll be glad to hear any
critiques,opinions or suggestions how to improve on them.

:ernae: You Gents have been great, keep'er flying! <<S>>W45
Hey Gents!,

Made it a whole lot easier for ya,got a new "support" site I hope to use to download missions
and get groups together. You can download these missions at;http://wyld45scfs3hangar.webs.com/

Have nightmares that I'll get on here and SOF and CFC will be gone,so I hope to at
least have something going to keep people in touch.

Hope all of you like the site! <<S>>
Well,that figures!(lol) No sooner I get word out on my Web-Page, THEIR site bites the dirt!
"WEBS" says it should be back up by 2:00am.(EST I think).

Right now,I'm almost outta space on that site so I'm trying to use "Blue Voda" web design.
(Anyone use this before?) Dont think the hosting is free though??
Hey Gents!,

Made it a whole lot easier for ya,got a new "support" site I hope to use to download missions
and get groups together. You can download these missions at;http://wyld45scfs3hangar.webs.com/

Have nightmares that I'll get on here and SOF and CFC will be gone,so I hope to at
least have something going to keep people in touch.

Hope all of you like the site! <<S>>

:guinness::icon29: Hi Wyld45 Nice site:medals: Worken now,least yhe mission part. :running:Gona check em now.