
Nice looking site. Everything works as expected. Nice job! :applause:

Love that Mt. Rainier pic you have. Gorgeous.
Yola works a lot better than I expected. I'm making all my own graphics as I build it so it takes awhile.

It's good to hear it works at your end.

Each particular plane/helicopter I paint, will have their own page when it's all said and done

Thanks Brent. :wavey:
Haha, I did do a good job repainting it didn't I? :icon_lol:

Mt .Rainier (my part of the world) is a part of my growing up. Many hikes and nature walks. I've got lots of photos in remembrance. Super high resolution, and panoramics. My intentions were to have them as backgrounds. Yola doesn't allow unfortunately.
I like this design much better than the previous one.
Easy to navigate, uncluttered. A good start.
I forgot something. I forgot how much work there is involved. The previous sites of days past were never as much labor. It must be a painters perspective thing :kilroy: