Texture issues with my Lufthansa Convairs?

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
Hi there!

As an amazed reader of Mr. and Ms. Carter's epic trip, hosted by Ralf Roggeveen
I noticed the odd apperance of the engine nacelle textures of my recent Lufthansa repaint of Calclassic's CV-440.

D-ACAT, delivered to 'Ralf's Air Service', bears some dull and ugly grey nacelles.

Does anyone else encounter this?

They should look like these (and actually, they do on my system):


Alfa Tango in its later livery has the metal shine via alpha channel tuned some notches down, just like Uniform Mike,


whereas Alfa Papa's nacelles were intended to show an immaculate chrome gloss:


Anyone else with dull grey nacelles?

Please let me know!


As I have been reading along in Ralf's thread...I have noticed that none of the planes seem to have reflective texturing. I think he had reflective turned off due to system resources.

I have only D-ACAP and D-ACAT installed. D-ACAP, on the short nosed model, looks fine. D-ACAT, on the long nosed model, has no texture on the right cowling. The left cowling looks fine. Other paints that use that same model have both cowlings textured. I can find nothing wrong with your textures, and I can't imagine how one cowl could pick up the texture and not the other one, when they both use the same texture file. I also can't imagine how this could happen with your paint when it doesn't happen with other paints that use the same model file. This makes no sense at all!
I've got Reply issues with this new layout, but yes, think it's just that I've got reflective turned off, as Tim says. System should be able to handle it, so I'll check it back on for the next leg - still tweaking after a lot of installment, both soft & hard!
Hi Markus I do have a dull nacelle on one of the LH convairs....been meaning to e-mail you about it, but kept getting side tracked. The rest of the bunch is nice and shiny so it's likely not a general FS reflection setting.

Sorry - my bad!

I figured out what went wrong: It was my fault!
The long nose model has a seperate texture file for the right engine (named cv440cowl2_t.bmp) .
Forgot to put it into the upload folder... :redf:

Sorry for the inconvenience!
(I wonder why nobody mentioned this bug before...)

For quick file attachment doesn't work here yet, here's a workaround:

1. Go to the texture.D_ACAT folder,
2. copy the files cv440cowl_t.bmp and cv440cowl_L.bmp
3. rename the copies to cv440cowl2_t.bmp and cv440cowl2_L.bmp

This should make engine No. 2 as shiny as her sister on the left side.

If anyone please could give me a feedback if this did the cure, I'd release the fix.


I should've been able to figure that out by myself. I'm a bit embarrassed tat I didn't!

If nobody noticed, it probably means they hadn't flown that paint. I hadn't. I like the short-nosed version so much I might never fly the radar nosed one.

Not that I ever fly airliners anyway.

Or that I ever fly anything that modern...

As if I ever had time to fly anything at all!

I don't log my flights, but I'm pretty certain that my flight time for 2009 was under 1 hour, and the same for the year before, and all the years before that.

I'm like a model railroader who spends all his hobby time working on his trains and his scenery layout, and never just sits back and runs the trains.
I'm like a model railroader who spends all his hobby time working on his trains and his scenery layout, and never just sits back and runs the trains.

Same here.
That's why I'm enjoying my recent NZ trips that much...

Thanks for your feedback, guys!
Fix will be uploaded.