Textures missing from FDG Malcolm Hood P-51


charter member past
I have downloaded and installed the FDG Malcolm Hood P-51 and its update--fdg2_p51c_mh_fs9_install_free.zip and its update.

I had two visible texture folders--texture and texture.1 and many void (grey) folders: [fltsim.2] to [fltsim.6].

Does anyone know where these missing skins are?

Hi Nick,

I had a quick look and although its a long time ago, I think these are the textures done for a texture contest.

Most likely I have them somewhere on a CD. However its past midnight already, so I am not able to look for them before tomorrow (earliest).

Hi Nick,

I've got good and bad news. I found the CD with the contest textures, which is the good news. However I burned it in 2005 and many files can't be opened anymore.

I have made one file with all contest entries and other liveries (22), from which most are not available in the library anymore. You will receive the link in a PM. Most of files the still include the contest model, due to which you will need to rename the main texture file.
