Thank You in order


Charter Member
A great thank you is in order for all those who make all things doing with CFS3. All the things done to keep CFS3 progressing and fun and all for free. You all deserve a great thanks for all the time,work and hair pulling to bring all the mods to keep CFS3 interesting . Hopefully others agree. Let your thanks be heard-( all you users at SOH),let them know. Best Regards , Scott
I agree, Thanks to our Masters.. And grateful for he various men for their works..:applause:
And to quote our Terminator
I'LL BE back..:applause:
Glad to hear from you HouseHobbit ! Surprised that out of around 190 views and yet no response other than you. There seems that there are more people that are so many takers than the givers . Shows that most of those making any comments are all the regulars and the others just post when they have problems with CFS3. People today seem so self-centered they just don't seem thankful for all the work being done for free for us to enjoy. Sad commentary .