Thank you, OFF Team (regarding multiplaying on VISTA)



Polovski (and to the OFF Team),

I just wanted to say thank you all for PHASE 2.

I have recently made a discovery in making it work for online play for the regular stock Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 by using your Shell.exe file. I hope you don't mind I have addressed what I had found to a thread for those who has OFF PHASE 2 and VISTA only:

This was an incredible find for VISTA users (including myself), thank you!

What I had read in the OFF forums.. Phase 3 is finally coming out. I am looking forward in buying it for sure! I had 'preordered' it way back then... Is it still going to be a Paypal ordering deal? Let me know.

Thank you again, very much.

Take care.

Polovski (and to the OFF Team),

I just wanted to say thank you all for PHASE 2.

I have recently made a discovery in making it work for online play for the regular stock Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 by using your Shell.exe file. I hope you don't mind I have addressed what I had found to a thread for those who has OFF PHASE 2 and VISTA only:

This was an incredible find for VISTA users (including myself), thank you!

What I had read in the OFF forums.. Phase 3 is finally coming out. I am looking forward in buying it for sure! I had 'preordered' it way back then... Is it still going to be a Paypal ordering deal? Let me know.

Thank you again, very much.

Take care.


and an nother reason came for me to install OFF P2 so badly :wave:
Never too late....

To thank the team, for Phase 2.
and for Phase 1 also!
Deadmeat1971 ROCKS

It wotks it realy works jihaaaaa what a feeling im finally getting online thanks to him and the devolopers from OFF P2 incriable incredeble treu treu

i post it alsow on my install futures
Thanks to everyone who got it to work multiplayer online for CFS3. Nice work!!!!
I wanna say thanks to OFF3 Team (really, thank you very much getlemen) for your hard work and your enthusiasm for this famous WWI sim!:applause:

Thanks boys...