Thanks To All Of You



My FS9 is looking sooooooo good with everything you have helped with..... Its smooth as silk and steady as a rock and I'm loving life...I just spent two days testing and tweaking my payware addons....Here is what I found...

With FSGenesis mesh and Ultimate Terrain it had just to many oddoties for me..At least at my test airport it did...

So I got a refund on UT as I really did not like how it was coded or its look in FS9..( UT for FSX is killer though)

I went with RealScene Mesh and GEPro.........WOW Beautiful....

I have one question though....

I have GEPro installed,and lots of texture sets that were generated overnight in a 10 hour time span.........

Question....What features and benefits will Real Enviroment Pro give me? I love GE Pro as is,but what should I use REP for? Maybe Water?

BTW...I have AS6 and GEPro running together on Auto-Submit and its Sweettttttttttttttttttttttttt....

Thanks in advance....
I use both UT and GE-Pro together.......they look awesome if you asked me.

But to each is own thats for sure in the FS world.
I don't have any payware environmental add-ons, so REP gave me new water, sky and cloud textures, a better sun, and improved airport textures and lighting (taxiways, runways, and apron). I guess if you have those other things installed already, REP wouldn't get you much more. I've tried other freeware environment packages and happen to like this one, but others' mileage may vary.
My FS9 is looking sooooooo good with everything you have helped with..... Its smooth as silk and steady as a rock and I'm loving life...I just spent two days testing and tweaking my payware addons....Here is what I found...

With FSGenesis mesh and Ultimate Terrain it had just to many oddoties for me..At least at my test airport it did...

So I got a refund on UT as I really did not like how it was coded or its look in FS9..( UT for FSX is killer though)

I went with RealScene Mesh and GEPro.........WOW Beautiful....

I have one question though....

I have GEPro installed,and lots of texture sets that were generated overnight in a 10 hour time span.........

Question....What features and benefits will Real Enviroment Pro give me? I love GE Pro as is,but what should I use REP for? Maybe Water?

BTW...I have AS6 and GEPro running together on Auto-Submit and its Sweettttttttttttttttttttttttt....

Thanks in advance....

REP has the best water color for inland water for FS9 IMHO. I also like the Runway lights and Environmental Reflection and Ocean Bitmap and Environmental Bitmap. I have Active Sky 6.5 and when I use it, I leave Enhanced Sun and Skies in REP unchecked.

Harleyman, unless you read the informative text on REP, you need to add these lines to your FS9.cfg for the runway light enhancement to take effect. Your FS9 file will be in your Documents and settings > Microsoft > FS9 in XP and in user > Application Data > Roaming > Microsoft >FS9 in Vista

Anyhow, if it is not already there, add these lines to the [Display] section under TextureMaxLoad =?? (whatever number you have, I have 10)


Copy and paste as above with capital letters as seen, then Save and close.

Thanks for that...I read that but never changed it in the config,then i forgot about it...Thanks...I will do it now though....