The air is rare

I have a feeling its been done but I never found a copy

Ah finally, an oxygen mask and see-through flying goggles in CFS3!! I'd thought I'd never see the day. That is excellent stuff, mate!! :encouragement:
Can you do that for one of the US pilots as well?
Oh wow, that looks great!

Is this a new separate pilot model, or is he built into the aircraft model? Either way, it's nice to have an updated pilot.
Nice one Steve! I made one years ago but yours will be better!

Does he have a sheepskin flying jacket, I can't zoom in on this darn laptop.

I think there was a bomber crew figure too but you can only have the one pilot model (I think).


thanks Guys.

Yes its a new selectable pilot model though really just a small rebuild of the Milne-Lees stock character. No sheep skin jacket at this point , sorry.

I'll have to think on other nationalities down the road as I don't want to get ahead of myself.
Gecko, maybe he takes his mask off to bail? :)

This is really great, Steve. Thank-you.
BorekS made a complete rubber suit for Wendler with the
Me-163, and he wears it now in any German a/c I fly, :)
but this might not help Mongoose.

160313 Wendler flight suit.jpg
I'm sure wet-suits might have helped the poor BC airmen who had to ditch in the cold sea though. Survival time was in minutes during winter nights.
Well, in the case of the rubber suit for the Me 163 pilots, they were the only ones who wore them. It was to protect them from being dissolved alive by the rocket fuel held in brittle ceramic tanks located **inside** the cockpit on either side of the pilot's seat. One bullet or a hard landing and the pilot is taking a bath in the stuff.
Kudos, Steve, that’s an impressive piece of reverse-engineering when there’s no documentation. :encouragement: