Charter Member 2011
If you missed it previously, it's shown up on
Just brilliant.
Name: Size: 3,411,017 Date: 07-09-2009
FS2004 Mudry Cap 10B. A two seat single engine 180 hp light airplane with fixed landing gear and low mounted wings. Painted in a standard factory paint scheme with orange stripes on a white background. Includes texture package. Textures only. Model by Nicolai Samsonov and Dimitri Samborski (SAMDCP10.ZIP). By Nicolas Pessay.
Just brilliant.
Name: Size: 3,411,017 Date: 07-09-2009
FS2004 Mudry Cap 10B. A two seat single engine 180 hp light airplane with fixed landing gear and low mounted wings. Painted in a standard factory paint scheme with orange stripes on a white background. Includes texture package. Textures only. Model by Nicolai Samsonov and Dimitri Samborski (SAMDCP10.ZIP). By Nicolas Pessay.