The appearance of trees in FS9/FS2004

I use TreeGen V 1.0 by Feng Zhu, this is from the readme:

"The default FS9 trees are over-sized and too sparse. As a result, they never create a believable tree-line, or give you the sense of mass and density. I've reduced the size of the trees down by 40%, and increased their numbers. There is no performance hit at all. In fact, you should get better performance because these files are at half the size compared to the original. I've reduced the quality down slightly to help increase fps, but you shouldn't notice any difference once airborn at 200 feet and above. All seasons are included."

File can be found at Simviation:
It's not the size that's the problem - it's that fact that they look like a great "X" if you're anywhere near their overhead.

The "incriminated" trees are not default - they obviously are included in your scenery addon.

The X shaped overhead appearance is (I believe) hard coded. The only thing you can do to modify them is to change textures. One of the nicer things about FSX is that MS addressed the overhead appearance by adding a third sheet of cardboard to the construction of trees - it's horizontal and helps to give an illusion of fullness when viewed from above.
your alll going to confirm I,am nuts

You'll probley have me commited after this post ,but if you look closely at some trees ,I swear I can see a face in the folage.I know this is from the same guy who has an Easter Island statue between the runways at Seattle,but I wonder if this is Microsofts idea of an inside joke,like the big chickens you see sometimes when flying,of corse maybe Col. Saners was a developer.
I better quit while I don't have one of those coats with sleeves that tie in the back.
You'll probley have me commited after this post ,but if you look closely at some trees ,I swear I can see a face in the folage.I know this is from the same guy who has an Easter Island statue between the runways at Seattle,but I wonder if this is Microsofts idea of an inside joke,like the big chickens you see sometimes when flying,of corse maybe Col. Saners was a developer.
I better quit while I don't have one of those coats with sleeves that tie in the back.

Too late.....

Thanks guys ,I intend to have two more installations of FS9 ,,mine now is all GA,I want to have one all military and one more either Golden wings or one like golen wings,as well as OFF and the Europe addon and Pacific addon for CFS3.
I have one TB internal hd which is close to being filled with CFS2 and the FS9 GA install ,one external 2 TB hd which has PF+IL2+BOF Complete edition ,First Eagles1 plus some other stuff, and two 720 internal Hds.
I'am not bothering to back up at my age and the external hd so far is working fine. I just hope I have room for everything.
And yes if you look close at some of my trees you can make out a face and I have seen a chicken on a pedistal in front of some buildings while flying,never on the ground.Honest.
Thanks for understanding my emotional problems.
Ahh trees...........

You don't have a lot of choice when it comes to trees as scenery. You can make them a single two sided poly that rotates to the user's view point but that looks weird always seeing them rotating around.

The other choice is to use two or more flat polys which is what is pictured here. Either way is less than ideal.

The FS9 autogen trees are not any better but at least as autogen they don't kill your frame rates.

The whole idea is to add some realism to the scenery without making it into a slideshow. Using simple sided polygons with transparent textures for trees seems to be the easiest solution to this issue.
Thanks Mike

Thanks for the info Mike and yes if you look close you can barely make out a face in some trees.And I still see the occasional chicken.