The Arch is draped with the Tri Color


Charter Member
Arc de Triomphe, has been draped with the Tri color
Thanks to Our Master Pat Paddle..for making this possible..:applause:
hobbit ...the masses await your release on these matters of war. the issue of your sole , building , talents is squeezed for a strong coiled release.

this set of what appears and seems to be of a higher planet in the making will be placed in anals of great masters and bikers will expect the fight of all sky demons ,

bring em on .... we are ready


canada ...... :salute:
Not to worry rocketred, all is ready..
Sent the finals to our Masters Pat Paddle(Clive) and Jeff (Beau) to be checked, then release this package..
Have gotten good reports so far from the testers God bless them..
will release this very shortly..

Many Thanks to Clive for his great work getting a French flag on the Arch de Triumph for this historical mission..
The ETO 1.40 Multi- Missions Package 2 finals is uploaded to SOH
Thanks to Pat Paddle(Clive) for his help with the Paris mission.

To the testers the final upload has a different Paris mission then what I sent to all.
If you want the changes just download this from SOH.
Thanks to all the kind souls who had a hand in seeing this was completed and tested..
Enjoy all..
I like it when a plan comes together!

Now this is really cool, I'm glad that I at least provided the impetus for the making of the mission! Thanks, Mr. HouseHobbit, for bringing it to pass! For once, maybe I'll download a mission and see if I can fly it!

Best to all,

Tom, You are Most welcome..
I just was the crazy hobbit that liked this idea.:icon_eek:
Clive, and many others helped greatly in getting this mission and package out to everyone..:applause:

Bravo to our sim family who often work together to achive something different and cool..
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Indeed! Can we also shoot up the Gestapo HQ as the original fellow did? That'd be a riot, though I know we can't have Gestaporati running into the streets shouting as our hero aviator did...
I tried the mission several times and it works fine:applause:;anybody thought of making a weapon out of the flag ie French_flag that could be droped instead of bombing the Arc ?