The art of trimming


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Hi everyone I just flew one of the BoB missions today and I had along trip on the 109 but I had it very stable flying straight and level flight with no hands on my stick just small nudges to the stick when changing direction.. I fly with auto-trim off and do the trimming myself though I am new to the trimming thing.. I flew the 109 from the runway climbing to 10000 feet and did a lot of corrections on the trim after maybe 5 mins it was flying near perfect for me and I felt so good it was like the plane was flying itself was just amazing.. The setup for trim I had on the 109 earlier was Elevator -2.55 , Aileron 16.00 , Rudder 0.00 flying straight and level at 10,000 ft at 70% power... Do you guys use the rudder trim much?, Is the 109 easier to trim than other planes?, What are some of your tips for trimming?, and Did this happen in real life were pilots able to fly hands off?.. Sorry for the questions guys.. The whole trimming experience was just a blast and made me love this game even more knowing you do not have to put that much effort on the stick once trimmed right...
The real Bf109 had lateral trim tabs on the ailerons, but these were fixed before flight. The tabs were effectively nothing more than hand-bent strips of metal sticking out from the control surfaces! The aircraft is however reasonably free of lateral instability.

There was no rudder trim available at all until the introduction of the tall tail variants, and even then, trim was not necessarily available in flight. The G-10 and K-4 subtypes generally did have in-flight trim tabs on the rudder, earlier versions did not systematically. No in-flight trim was available for the short-tailed types. If your airspeed rises beyond 215 mph, you need to apply left rudder up to 2 degrees at 300 mph. I hope you have a strong left leg...

The only in-flight trim available as standard was longditudinal, giving angles of +3.4 to -8.4 degrees using the wheel beside the pilot's seat. Winding forward pushes the nose down.

So actually, your experience though interesting isn't actually frightfully accurate!
Thanks for the reply.. Maybe that's why some of the planes I fly the rudder trim won't work because they had no rudder trim I was using 109E-4 and when I press for rudder trim nothing happens..

And thanks for the info about the 109s I learn something new everyday