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SIM SKUNK WORKS LOCKHEED FRF-104 G tailored for P3D v4 (x64) has been published
All previous customers that wants to upgrade their FRF-104G from FSX / P3D 2/3 to this version can have 15 € discount,
To this end open a ticket on SSW help desk with a proof of purchase.

The model has been widely revised with several enhancements.
It has now an "as real" NASAR R15 A radar, with antenna tilt an antenna gain full operational in both A2A and A2A modes:
- a/a search and track
- radar lock
- radar attack
- break away
- Ground map pencil
- Ground Map Spoiler
- Countour Map
- Terrain avoidance

The package contains F/RF-104 G MAP and Consortium models in Belgian, Danish, Dutch, German, Hellenic, Italian, Spanish, Turkish versions,
all differences in internal configurations and external loadout have been maintained for historical correctness.
VACMI installation (free) is required.
All weapon loadout/drop/launch are working both in single and multiplayer provided that vACMI has been installed and activated.
A custom menu for each version (Fighter/Bomber,Interceptor,F/B 'Recce' and RF) gives the possibility to load and use complete variery of weapons.
TackPack not supported yet.






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Ssw frf-104g installer faults

The FRF-104G for P3D v4 recently distributed has some minor errors caused by the installer that will be corrected soon.
Meantime users should visit the SSW HELP DESK FAQ's:
in order to easily correct such errors.
Apologize for that, soon a new installer will be available.
The purchased and downloaded FRF-104G core files are only a part of the software we provide to you.
To complete the "ZIPPER" please download and install from HERE textures and liveries.

We split the installation in two files for your convenience and to speed up downloading process avoiding to clog the server since textures are contained int an huge file.

Customers that have purchased previous for FSX/P3D 2/P3D 3 can have a diso**** coupon of 15€ provided make a request trough helpdesk with a proof of purchase.

Enter in SSW web shop -> F104G for P3Dv4 and click the "HERE" word in the text above. Download the file and install it.
My mistake, I'm used to everything being in one file. Now, the question is, will old repaints work with this new version?
Great addon and now with quite a few RCAF aircraft :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Are you using shift=z to switch the radar on and cycle through the modes, and ctrl=z to alter the range ? You need the engine running to provide power. Works perfect for me.
Have you installed the map and terrain files...UK...Italy and Germany ?

Those key combos do nothing for me, in fact ctrl-z turns alt hold on and off. I'm cycling the modes by clicking on the button. The different modes are being registered on the telelight panel next to the radar screen, but the screen stays blank.
Yes, ctrl+z does switch altitude hold on/off and shift+z cycles the coordinates and fps script...but they also change the range and cycle the modes on the radar. Which country are you flying in ? From what you said, it sounds as though it's working. If you haven't, load it in either Italy, UK, or Germany IF you've installed the map and terrain files for those countries (download them from the SimSkunkWorks site.)

I have indeed installed the country files but I have only tried from inside the US. I would imagine the air to air mode should still work regardless of region though? I'll try from UK, Germany, or Italy this evening to be sure.
Yes, the AA radar should work no matter where you are. It sounds like Red Panda isn't starting up. I just removed Red Panda from mine and got exactly what you are getting...nothing on the radar. In your main P3Dv4 folder open the SimSkunkWorks folder. It should contain three folders...vACMI...WebSimBrowser and WebSimConnect. Open the WebSimConnect folder and double click the RedPanda.exe and see if the radar works. If that fails, open a ticket on the SimSkunkWorks help desk. They are better equipped to help.

Reported radar problems

It happens that some users can't have the radar working (blank screen), it could be related with redpanda server cache specially if those user have a previous version of F-104.
We suggest to delete the file containing instructions for the cache, delete is safe since in most case cache does not matter.
Such file is:
/Prepar3D v4/SimSkunkWorks/WebSimBrowser/2.1/64/WebSimBrowser.ini
I recommend also to download and install the latest version 4.1.1 which installer should be bug free.
Recall also that keys combinations to manage the radar can be customized editing the keymap.ini file in the aircraft main folder.
Once again i like to point out that the best place for this matter is the SSW help desk, i cannot assure timely answers here.
Thanks for the reply. In fact I have an open ticket with the help desk, I just came here to see if anyone had any other insight. I've already downloaded the latest version, cleared the chached ini file per thenhelp desk's instruction. When the sim loads I get a pop up saying red panda is running.
Yes, the AA radar should work no matter where you are. It sounds like Red Panda isn't starting up. I just removed Red Panda from mine and got exactly what you are getting...nothing on the radar. In your main P3Dv4 folder open the SimSkunkWorks folder. It should contain three folders...vACMI...WebSimBrowser and WebSimConnect. Open the WebSimConnect folder and double click the RedPanda.exe and see if the radar works. If that fails, open a ticket on the SimSkunkWorks help desk. They are better equipped to help.


I actually have no vACMI folder. Manually starting RedPanda puts an error message on my radar screen, seen here,
Ok so I got it to work. Turns out I was missing vACMI. After that the radar came on but it took a while. I'm assuming a warmup period is simulated?

Anyway, sorry to derail this release thread. Feel free to delete my posts.
Òut of curiosity, can red panda and web sim connect be turned off? I really just want to fly a simpler version like I had in P3D v3 without the overhead of the moving maps etc.
will SSW update the external model and the Cockpit texture?
the starfighter is my favorite jet and SSW made the only nice starfighter i can flew in a simulation,
but i think the rocket with a man in it, need some love :)
would be nice to see the starfighter in today standarts, hope you guys understand what i mean.