The B737-500 SW ORCA!


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Flying the heavy iron is fun on the Sim.We Walter Mitty types,..visually we have access to the great planes in a multitude of paints.This ORCA is beautiful."Repaint By Yemel VeneHacker Yarbouh
Contains default panel but original sound and 735 model by FFX.
FFX Studios and Eric Cantu supplied the blank kit I built this plane on".Other than the non panel,this plane performs great.Often realistic performance is lacking..not with this power settings,..a take off feels real...o to 140 like a real jet...climb to fl level 42 no struggle...if you have flown real lately notice the quick take off speed..scenery going to a blur,.and the fast climb out.This I find lacking in most of our jet Sims.,sluggish and anemic!.. non of the illusion of speed,and the power...however Lionhearts new Boeing has that quilty..getting to high altitude quickly.....wish this "ORCA" had a good panel...however its fun to fly..thanx Vin!!
FS2004 Air Scheffel Boeing 737-800w

Name: Size: 55,613,828 Date: 07-13-2010
FS2004 Air Scheffel Boeing 737-800w. This package includes high-res panels, detailed cockpit, cabin, wing views, unique (auto) checklist with speech, nearly 200 sounds, working APU and TFT in the passengers cabin. Also many effects to improve realism. Model (Erick Cantu) included. With setup.exe or manual install if preferred. By Arjan Scheffel.
thank you wing Z......Nice panel....bells and whistles...looks great....BUT ,my friend it does not have the ZIP, and POWER of that ORCA model..You may wish to compare the performance factor your self..couris to hear if you detect a difference any event,thanx