The Best Freeware Antonov AN-2 Biplane?


SOH Staff
I am aware of Piglets wheeled AN-2T model wich I love, any others worth mention for FS9 out there? Looking for possible ski-equipped or float versions, as well as repaints ...

Mike :wiggle:
I have a float version of the AN-2 done by none other than Piglet. It's nice! I think I found it on

I'm partial to Piglet's as there's a ton of paints for it by Stalin/SteveB. The fact that it's a nice flyer helps too.
Vlad's probably has the best VC out there now. There's little to no paints though. I made a new paintkit some time back and made a few paints that I never released. Possibly I might release them if there's interest.
Try Avsim.rus and go to page 4 of the FS2004 aircraft, unfortunately i can't supply a link. I think it is a good alternative and has a ski model.

Regards Paul Day.
I like very much of this airplane and think that I have all freeware (fs2004) models of it. Personally I like most of the Anton "Xomer" Nikolaev's version, which can be obtained here:

In the fs2002 model (however it flied in fs2004) had some mistake in it's panel. The motor overheated and failed very soon (in spite of cowl flaps fully open). This version 1.4 above (for fs2004) should work just fine. One needs manual to handle the panel. One in Russian is coming with the plane. There is also an English version but I can't remember if it comes with the plane files.

Russian sites (like for example are best bet to find Russian airplanes (even if An-2s have been made in other countries for years).
