The Big E 44


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The Big E 44 is the name of the next installment of following the USS Enterprise thru WWII.It starts in November 1943 as Enterprise has finished her repairs and refit from her battles in the Solomons.This time she is not alone as the new Essex Class Fleet Carriers and the Independence Class Light Carriers join her.They are attacking in Gilbert and Marshall Islands from November to January.In November Makin is first with ground attacks and Japanese attacking the USN Fleet and the first night mission with an Avenger using radar guides Hellcats to attack Betty bombers,Butch O'Hare was lost during this mission.Ships in Kwajalein Harbor are attacked next.After that Taroa is attacked.The last attack is Kwajalein again in support of the Invasion.These are all finished.

The Next missions being worked on are the attacks on Truk Feb.17-18,1944.My son found a map that shows the different anchorages and also the number of Japanese planes stationed there.His plan is work on them over the Labor Day Weekend which is this weekend.

With the Marianas and Philippines missions he has about 37 missions,he just has to fill in the gap between Feb. and June 1944.

Nice to have a progress update.

Keep going Micheal, you're doing good work!!! 👍
He's using your scenery except for the Gilbert Islands.

It's taking along time because he has school and likes to play sports.He also notices the lack of interest.

Yeah things have slowed down since the move. I hope it's just poeple haven't caught up to the change yet. I'm interested though.
Yeah things have slowed down since the move. I hope it's just poeple haven't caught up to the change yet. I'm interested though.
Not to worry Kurt,you'll get it as well as UT if he wants it.From what I understand there will be a night attack by Avengers on the ships.

Of course I'd be interested Hiede.

It's always nice to see if the various new/reworked sceneries manage to improve that elusive immersive feeling whilst flying missions ... or whether they really are just "eye candy"...
Yeah things have slowed down since the move. I hope it's just poeple haven't caught up to the change yet. I'm interested though.
People don't talk much unless it's to complain and it's been going on for years now.If no one gives feed back how are mission and campaign builder going to know what is liked?Not to worry I'll just farewell say to SOH and be on my way.

Have a great day,bye

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Don't know if you caught this one but I really liked it and feel that this post cast as a whole is exceptional. Certainly inspiring.

This Campaign is still being worked on,there were some scenery problems that had to be straightened out in Palua and Marianas,the runways weren't showing up.The sequence for the scenery was setup wrong and is now fixed.It also takes time to setup all the Task Forces.The Marianas part has 6 Task Groups with up to about 15-20 ships.Even though this an Enterprise Campaign you need all of them when the Japanese attacks.

The other thing was the scenery,we had to make sure you could put it all in and it worked without any crashes.There will scenery for 8 areas,5 by UT and 3 by MR.The only 1 not in yet is Hollandia.We've had not conflicts so far.

Over 45 missions have been done so far and I don't know what the total will be.

Just to let you know how in depth some of this campaign is,there are 10 missions of the Enterprise attack on Truk and so far 14 for the Marianas.Palua will have 5 or 6 missions.

Since UT is reworking the Carolina Islands some may have to be reworked and the attacks on Yap and Woleai and Ulithi Atoll will be put on hold.

I too, with the update by UT, will have to rework my Hailstone missions.
Shadow Wolf
Enterprise is attacking in a different area at Truk then you.It is attacking Eten and the elevations are different there which actually changes some of the attack angles for the ai planes.Before there was a small hill or mountain which made it difficult for them to attack.Now it is flatter.

So I would check that also if I were you.

Winds up there 16 missions for the Marianas part of the campaign which took place June 1944.

April and May of 1944 still have to be done since it was held up for the finish of the Marianas.
