The Claim Game



I have now completd several mission and have racked up 5 Claims.

I have entered the witness details correctly etc so......

How long before my claims are confirmed?
What makes a "good claim"? Surely the game engine can't parse & interpret the descriptive text field?
Siggi said:
Probably based upon key-words and length of the total text.

What words might be key words, I wonder? Place names of towns, airfields, etc.? Or maybe just the words "town" or "airfield"?

I'm flying RNAS right now, it would be nice if one of the staff boffins would come out to Furnes and give us pilot blokes a brief instructive class on how to fill out claim forms to best effect :).
I haven't shot anything down in my campaign so far. Actually I've not even SEEN anything to shoot down in over eleven hours of flying. :icon_lol:

But when I do my claim will go something like this.

"Date: 24th January 1917. Time of engagement: 08.23hrs. While flying a patrol behind friendly lines with a flight of three scouts I engaged a brightly coloured single seater, possibly an Albatross DIII, at 3000ft altitude and fired numerous bursts into him at close range and forced him down out of control and saw him crash, approximately ten miles north east of Albert. The kill was witnessed by Lt Alfred Owen."
I'll freely admit, I look upon this situation rather lightheartedly for I doubt if I will every be placed in the situation. Once OBD releases the patch, this problem will surely go the way of the buggy whip.

It's an interesting problem none the less. If length of storyline does the trick. Then any prose would be sufficent, with some names of towns, and airfields thrown in for Project Echalon.

In my estimation, a problem MIGHT exist, which would call for a complete reinstall along with a search of the hidden files.
We all are aware of the computers ability to retain facts, particularly about OUR performance in the past, anything we did will be remembered, and acted upon.

When you first sampled the wonders that OFF contains, did you test the destructive ability of your machine gun on an aircraft, on your side, simply because you could manuver for a shot without his moving. I know I did, which is why I asked. Computers NEVER Forget.
Home Office doesn't like such activities
Home Office Now is in the driver's seat

Paybacks are a BEACH :monkies:
In my experience (over several short-lived pilots) is that there are key words but a lengthy description doesn't help.

An accurate identification of the enemy is important. I left this off some reports because of the historical reports I've seen with 'single-seater EA' but this makes it very likely to be rejected.

A place name, time, and altitudes all seem to help.

If you can quantify the number of rounds used, this seems to help. Although I've generally been saying things on the lines of "fired 3 long bursts into the fuselage" with mixed results.

A description of the enemy aircraft definitely pushes up your chances. My latest RFC pilot had 4 claims in, including two where there was hardly anyone around (a dark blue Albatros DIII with a red nose, 30 miles over the lines and a DFW two seater which was just north of Bailleul, crashed behind British lines, but was non-descript) and the one that got confirmed was the one with the desciption, even though the other was more likley to have been witnessed.

You only get confirmation after a flight ("Well done you have flown for 56 minutes and fulfilled all your mission objectives etc. we can tell you that 3 claims have been confirmed etc"). And they come in batches. This lot came in 3 days (or perhaps 6 flights) after the first kill and on the day after the last.

Presumably, sometimes you will just be unlucky and not get a certain kill because a desk-flyer is having a bad day.
I honestly don't think the description does anything. I just started a new campaign and on my 1st mission got two kills, 2nd got 2. When fired up a couple days later I was told two were confirmed, one was rejected. All I put in the description was "Craft destroyed". I made sure to put my wingman's name in the witness box, which I do think is critical.
I haven't shot anything down in my campaign so far. Actually I've not even SEEN anything to shoot down in over eleven hours of flying. :icon_lol:

But when I do my claim will go something like this.

"Date: 24th January 1917. Time of engagement: 08.23hrs. While flying a patrol behind friendly lines with a flight of three scouts I engaged a brightly coloured single seater, possibly an Albatross DIII, at 3000ft altitude and fired numerous bursts into him at close range and forced him down out of control and saw him crash, approximately ten miles north east of Albert. The kill was witnessed by Lt Alfred Owen."

Siggi have you tired bumping up the air activity? Even in the middle of thw campaiugn i belive it would bump it up. There will be no question you will run into the enemy then.
Siggi have you tired bumping up the air activity? Even in the middle of thw campaiugn i belive it would bump it up. There will be no question you will run into the enemy then.

Yes, I have that on maximum.

I'm going to enable the labels and map them to my joystick. At this point I need to see exactly what is going on and confirm it's not a bug or just me going mad. I actually became quite angry in the last mission.
Before I stumbled onto a bug that is now giving me a claim error, I got 13 out of 15 kills confirmed by identifying the plane, listing my wingman as a witness (he was an ace himself, don't know if that helps or not) and saying stuff like: "Engaged enemy craft at 3000 feet altitude, followed him down to the tree-tops, after expending 150 rounds he was seen to crash out of control near the front." My little number next to pending is always in the 60's or 70's with info like that.
I believe it is tied to key words. My latest pilot has 12 kills, all confirmed. It seems they all had Pending 60 or so. I don't know if this has a bearing on confirmation or not. I am surprised at being 12 for 12 though. I always put it "Out of control" or "Down in flames" as the case was. I also put in "Seen to crash" or "Witnessed crash", "Crashed in flames" or "Crash site seen". I sometimes put in location but that doesn't seem to change the "Pending" number.

One thing I would like to see is that confirmations are harder if the plane crashed on the enemy side of the lines. THe deeper, the lower the chance. Though I am unsure if such can be modeled in the game engine. Maybe just not put in a claim for planes that fall on the enemy side of the lines? Perhaps only putting the claim in when escorting bomber/recon planes {Confirmation coming from a non-squadron source?}.
Yes, I have that on maximum.

I'm going to enable the labels and map them to my joystick. At this point I need to see exactly what is going on and confirm it's not a bug or just me going mad. I actually became quite angry in the last mission.

The very first pilot I had I flew 20 hours and did not spot a plane until my last mission. After starting again, I have rarely gone a misison without spotting one...
By the way, for my german campaign, I fill the claim report in german language. Anyone knows if it works?
The very first pilot I had I flew 20 hours and did not spot a plane until my last mission. After starting again, I have rarely gone a misison without spotting one...

That was probably warp-factor 10 messin' wit yo peepers.
I recently flew a mission where I shot down a plane over the trenches. I was in a hurry and filed a report saying : "Alb. DV shot down at low level over trenches" and did not give a witness name. It got confirmed a couple of missions later. I had more elaborate descriptions rejected. I guess I must be popular with Tommies in the trenches.
Hmmm so still very vague - I wsn't putting no where near that information in. Just Killed / Damaged , Craft Type and Witness???

I really do think we need some guidance on this from the Devs ...even the real guys knew what was expected on the claim form :wiggle:
I agree. I'd really like to know what the trick is to getting claims confirmed. I've got 14 claims so far, 14 denied. I'm listing witnesses, but wonder if spelling counts. I'm listing locations such as "over the front", etc. What is "the computer" looking for to allow a confirmed kill?
I agree. I'd really like to know what the trick is to getting claims confirmed. I've got 14 claims so far, 14 denied. I'm listing witnesses, but wonder if spelling counts. I'm listing locations such as "over the front", etc. What is "the computer" looking for to allow a confirmed kill?
From what I know about computers, spelling does count. If it is keywod based, then mispelling a keyword means that the computer won't see the keyword.
I think saying that you saw the plane crash is one of the factors. Along with "Out of control" and "Down in flames".