The clock is ticking.........

huub vink

Staff member
Dear all,

As you all most probably know the Sim-Outhouse is a crowd funded organisation purely ran by volunteers. This year is an expensive year as we would like to replace the aging main server on which the forums run and which contains the file library. Since a couple of months this server is giving error messages, which is not a good sign.

For a more detailed explanation I would like to refer to this post.

While I write this, the counter tell me we still need over 40%. When we don't succeed in raising the needed amount of money, we will most not be able to keep the SOH as we currently know it.

I sincerely thank those who already donated and I would like to encourage those who haven't.

Good to give a little nudge.

I've got to admit, it seems to be taking longer than normal to get the support.

I have no problems at all in donating, and was thinking about how to put over why donations are needed.

But for me, the way I look at it is, what would I do, feel like, and miss very much, if the good ol' SOH wasn't there... and for me that's the real incentive. I wish people that haven't donated would think on that one.

I would love it to stay the same, advert free etc. To be honest, as said before, if every member just donated about $10 or so, then we'd have our quota, but we can't force people to donate.
If we have to have advertising to offset the cost, is that not better than no SOH at all? Just a thought, certainly not a wish.


Plus 10 to that. I am a pensioner and am trying.
Please let this wonderful site continue. Please
donate to those who have not got round to it.

We hope to donate 6 aircraft and one tall ship Bounty to the library this year. SOH always gets the first uploads with other sites following one week later.

SOH also gets my donations on day 1 of the drive and then the beginning of February with others sprinkled throughout the year for those unforeseen issues that pop up.

I feel fortunate to be able to do both of these things as SOH is my home. I rarely visit other sites.

Please help if and as you can to keep this website alive and healthy. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
This is the ONLY FS Website I donate to, and, like Milton, I send my bit the first or second day the drive starts. Hopefully I can send another installment here in a day or so. I have ALOT on my plate right now.

BTW, this is the ONLY site that I am a regular forums member, and that I post to from time to time. My efforts to support SOH may not be that significant, but every little bit helps. If all who visit here are members and download files would give just $5, SOH would have met its goals in three weeks. JMO.

OK... sorry about that. Rant over. :a1451: Just my bit.


EDIT... Second installment sent. It's the very least I can do.
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Although we have nearly 18,000 members "only" 4,264 are active members. From the 4,264 members 331 members made a contribution, which is less than 8% of all active members.

The group of people who donate is getting smaller, while the costs to run the SOH are rising. Personally I also have the feeling our hobby is shrinking. And most probably the economic situation in many countries is causing people to be more careful with their money.
I feel horrible :( I can't afford to donate being on disability. I have a hard time affording my bills and medications as it is. If I could, I would give a ton. My heart is there but my financial situation doesn't allow it. Please know that I would if I could. My deepest apologies and best regards, Jeremy
Jeremy, there is no need to apologise. I'm sure your not the only one who simply has no choice and can't donate as the money is desperately needed elsewhere. But I'm not really convinced that 92% of the active members is on such a tight budget.

Thanks for the figures Huub, interesting if sad info.

And I do appreciate I'm in a lucky position to have some spare cash to donate, and that some dont, but I'm glad you put that comment in...''But I'm not really convinced that 92% of the active members is on such a tight budget.''

Has Ickie and the inner circle contemplated advertising, has it been seriously explored? If so what format and how would it impact on the SOH ie. what would it look like, but also what sort of revenue and therefore donation offset might it generate?

Could we not have partial donation support and some advertising?

I would love to donate to my favourite Sim Forum.
UK residents like me have a problem, unless the payment options change.
I don't have a credit card (but a visa debit card), nor a PayPal account, and cheques have been phased out in the UK.
So, unless I have an account number and sort code for a direct transfer, it's not possible!
This is no excuse but fact...

I would love to donate to my favourite Sim Forum.
UK residents like me have a problem, unless the payment options change.
I don't have a credit card (but a visa debit card), nor a PayPal account, and cheques have been phased out in the UK.
So, unless I have an account number and sort code for a direct transfer, it's not possible!
This is no excuse but fact...


If your debit card has the Visa logo on it you should be able to use it as a credit card.

At least you can on this side of the pond.

Note that you will not get any credit, the bank will still remove the funds from your account.

I would love to donate to my favourite Sim Forum.
UK residents like me have a problem, unless the payment options change.
I don't have a credit card (but a visa debit card), nor a PayPal account, and cheques have been phased out in the UK.
So, unless I have an account number and sort code for a direct transfer, it's not possible!
This is no excuse but fact...



You could also contact Roger as he has a way to transfer money from the UK.

UK users can donate with Visa debit

If your debit card has the Visa logo on it you should be able to use it as a credit card.


Lane is correct, I've just done it using my visa debit card in the U.K.

You do get taken to the paypal page, don't let that confuse you, just fill in the required details of your card etc, no need to open a paypal account (I don't have a paypal account).

Cheers ... and thanks to all the SOH administrators for all their hard work,

Cheques have not been phased out in the UK, not yet anyway, and you don't need a fat wallet to open a basic Paypal account. Just an active current bank account. On another note I find it inconceivable that 92% of the membership can't afford or are too tightfisted to contribute when a large majority probably run higher spec computers than I can afford. ( Many actually boast about it in their signatures). I'll probably upset a few but we Yorkies say what we mean and mean what we say. Off my soap box I'll get me coat:running:

PS: $10 is less than a packet of cigarettes in the UK. Decent ones anyway:)
Thanks SW for the tip on direct payment through paypal via debit card. I was not aware of this.
I never wanted a paypal account and will never open one.

Cheers, Stuart
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You don't have to have a PayPal account to use the donation link - at least not here in the States. All I needed was my debit card, and the payment went through just fine.
Even though I haven't been 'active' in flight simming for some time now,...I still like to visit daily and read the various posts and see what's being developed. That's why I contribute. So if you're in a similar situation such as mine,...let your conscious be your guide.