The Deadline is looming


Staff member
Here is a heads up on the SOH server, with three weeks left to meet our goal. At the time of this posting we are at 59%. Payday is approaching and we are hoping this will allow us to gather the remaining 41%. We must face facts. If we don't meet our goal please consider what SOH can do without. As time gets closer we will post a list of options we can forgo to pay the bills.

Those who have contributed please accept our sincere thanks for keeping us advertising and pop-up free.

Hey guys,

Good morning from snowy Massachusetts! I just wanted to make one other note about donating to SOH, especially for members who aren't aware of this. As the librarian, I am well aware of this, but if you ever look at the readme files for a lot of the uploads after you download them, they prohibit uploading to a site which restricts download access to paying members only. As the librarian, that means that approximately 30-40% of all files would have to be removed. This would devastate many sims, especially CFS2 and CFS3.

Something to keep in mind...
Yup. I agree! I am just a user. Not a designer of A/C, missions or scenery. Not smart enough. :adoration:
I donate every year and am happy to.
Love this sim and all it provides for one of my pastimes.
Lets keep her up and running.:applause:
Yup. I agree! I am just a user. Not a designer of A/C, missions or scenery. Not smart enough. :adoration:
I donate every year and am happy to.
Love this sim and all it provides for one of my pastimes.
Lets keep her up and running.:applause:

Same for me :applause:
Not quite, Clive. Somewhere in the low 80 percents, so the admins are currently considering all options.