The Donationware FU Corsair



If someone has this can you give me some rundown on how you like it please...

I have the free one but I want more ....Just me..

Does the Donationware one have a better 3 d cockpit and GPS....

Thanks..... For any :help:
If you like Corsairs these are a lot of fun. All the earlier variants are included, inclusive of the Birdcage, -1A, -2 Nightfighter, -1C, -1D. They fly well, but of course I would say this....

Perhaps not up to the VC standards of the very latest FSX type payware planes, but a pretty nice set of planes and frame rate friendly for FS9. I still fly and enjoy them!

Supports a good cause.....

Cheers: T.
The Donationware Corsair is worth every penny. Every penny. Plus,'ll get some great looking additional scenery for the Solomon Islands. Barakoma and Rennell. And finally PLUS+PLUS, also receive AI's,...Avengers and Devastators,...which do touch and goes off these air bases. You can't go wrong.
Thanks guys...Its mine as soon as the Ravens beat the dolphins.....LOL

Hmmm Just went to get the first FU Corsair in the list thats 15 bucks and its not there...

I did scroll to the bottom of the list and there is another and its 5 bucks?

I don't understand whats the deal here......

I have not purchased one yet as I have no clue what to do......
Go into pacific theater aircraft and find fs9 corsair pack. This one has several models and the Solomon Is. scenery.
Ok I did find it that way...Thanks..

So ...What now...I get sent a DL link or something?

Thanks...Wonder why its not avaible in the Fighters group where its listed?

It is not avaible under the Pacific Threater Aircrafts.......
Go into pacific theater aircraft and find fs9 corsair pack. This one has several models and the Solomon Is. scenery.

Can't purchase it there....

But I found it elsewhere,bought it,and nothing happened but a reply from Paypal saying I had bought it...
How do I get the package?????lol


I bought it through the SOH Store Front
Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Ickie will email the link AND the password in order for you to download it into FS9. Just depending, might take a little time to some time for Ickie to respond. But he will email you.
OK All is good then.....Thanks for the tips....Its my first purchase from here so I'm learning.....:rollerskater:
Ok I got the DL link.Got her installed,and activated the add-on scenery...

Loaded the sim and went to add-on scenery and its not listed there.....

Any one know where the airport is for this in the Solomonds????:help:

Wonders why its not included in the read-me...Or have I overlooked it? Could be..


BTW Panther...You are correct...The sounds are GREAT........:applause:
The two airstrips should be listed underneath the Solomon Islands group. The two fields should be listed as: "" and
"Rennell/Renell" and "Vella La Vella/Barakoma" The first name refers to the Name. The second name refers to the City.

Thanks... Sorry to be so needy.....LOL thats just me...

I did finally find them in the scenery folder as their bgl names......