The Fokker Scourge


Hello All,

Finally "Finished" the Fokker E.III Eindecker.
This has been a fun project. Let me know what you all think.

- Ivan.
I'm eager to grab a copy!:greenbo:
Apparently, I'm too eager... The download section shows an entry for today, but nothing to download. I'll wait I guess...
Yip! It is there now:applause:

For those unaware of SOH download path to CFS1;
Warbird's > Add-On's Index > Add-On's Index (not Combat Flight Simulator 1 Add-Ons!!!) > CFS Add-Ons Library > CFS1 Add-Ons > CFS1 Aircraft Add-Ons... and you are there.:isadizzy:

Or you can try this direct link to the section = HERE

The Fokker Eindecker E.I-II-III has the dubious distinction of being the worst fighter and the best fighter of its era; it was the first and only purposely-built fighter at the time.:kilroy:

That situation would change quite fast...
Yip! It is there now:applause:

For those unaware of SOH download path to CFS1;
Warbird's > Add-On's Index > Add-On's Index (not Combat Flight Simulator 1 Add-Ons!!!) > CFS Add-Ons Library > CFS1 Add-Ons > CFS1 Aircraft Add-Ons... and you are there.:isadizzy:

Or you can try this direct link to the section = HERE

The Fokker Eindecker E.I-II-III has the dubious distinction of being the worst fighter and the best fighter of its era; it was the first and only purposely-built fighter at the time.:kilroy:

That situation would change quite fast...
hmmm, what to do?
continuously click to get there,
or follow hubba's link...
what to do, what to do.

thanks hubba
Hey Guys,

Do let me know if you find anything goofy. There is also a checklist which I should have mentioned in the ReadMe. This was a critical mass kinda release rather than very well planned.

- Ivan.