Port over? Won't go- it's FSX native. There is the nice old Wilco payware A400 for FS2004. The other-only-option is to hook up MCX to the FS2004 SDK and back convert it. That would entail changing the animation definitions and materials to FS9 standard, removing the prop discs, changing the visibility conditions to FS9 standard, and, I guess, merging the VC into the external model somehow, after doing the above to the VC, changing the gauges. The nuts and bolts I'm not certain of.
Not a huge job, but not straight ahead as a 'port over'. Not even sure if it's doable.
Might be worth checking here.
If you fancy the A400-M, Wilco Publications makes a very nice FS9 version of that Airlifter. It's available at the Flight Sim Pilot Shop and Just Flight. Well worth the money.
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