The Goodwin Sands Dornier uploaded

Pat Pattle

Have just uploaded a stand-alone model of Dornier 17z 5K+AR - the subject of the recent recovery.
:wavey: Hey Clive, I already have a BoB_do17z in my BOB install. Overwrite?


Old Tiger, I wouldn't overwrite. I just downloaded it and had a look. The original aircraft.cfg file will be overwritten.

I merely changed the name of the new aircraft file to reflect the new aircraft name.

...and VOILA! TWO Do 17s in BoB.


I have already alerted Clive by PM.

This is a great addition and memorial. I LOVE it.

Clive did a great job.
Botheration! I had a feeling I'd forgotten to do something. :blind:

Thanks Kasey am re-uploading the renamed file, apologies to those that already have it.
Thanks Clive !!

Hi Guys,
I very rarely come in here, let alone post,but would just like to say thanx Clive and helpers for the Add-On BoB. :salute: ( And especially this latest Goodwin Sands Dornier -17. as I've been following this for some time now. ) We are now into hosting at least one BoB game a week over in SOH Flight Center and it's a pretty nice game room to be in, very period and a nice selection of aircraft. :jump: Mucho appreciated fella's.

BillT (WINCO41)
We are now into hosting at least one BoB game a week over in SOH Flight Center and it's a pretty nice game room to be in, very period and a nice selection of aircraft

Hi Bill,

I may try and join you one evening if that's ok, have been wanting to try the defiant out in MP since its release. I can't register at the flight centre because of me email addy for some reason.
Will drop you a pm.



Thank you for this aircraft. Everybody will know it now after recovery.

All the best for you, Clive !

And here's the real thing

A fun visit to RAF Museum Cosford on Friday - but much too short with the children in tow - and the Dornier is on show in its polytunnels with the sprinklers going.



Dangling in the middle of the fuselage (second pic) is what looks very like a pair of goggles. What the pictures don't convey is the rich salty pong of the thing; the inevitable result of seventy-odd years in the oggin.

I'm bound to say Clive's standalone - and Ted's excellent model - are in much better shape than this :isadizzy:, but the attendant told us the original German fitters had done such a good job that the diving team were able to unbolt the wings from the rest. My friendly mechanic uses very rude words when removing a wheel bearing from a two-year-old Transit van which has never been in the sea...
That is impressive! Usually a lot is done to protect an aircraft from normal corrosion, but dump it in salt water and all bets are off. Must have been a very close tolerance bolt with no room for the water to seep into the hole.