chipin in mah 1.5 cents worth
I have owned my new computer for just a few weeks and it turns out that it is already outdated....
The LGA 775 CPU socket will be fased out by next year and that meens no more new CPUs for me the P45A-S was the last intel chipset to use the LGA 775...
At least i have the newest outdated hardware.....
I have one way to fix this, save up for the best CPU that runs on the LGA 775 but thats a far fetched idea....
No longer is life as simple as "back in the days", and gone too is the era where I could run out to radio shack and get enough parts to build add on rigs for my atari 64, coco 1, or tandy 1000hx, or flight sims with black back grounds and red,yellow,blue and green pixel lines, no more setting IRQ's and DMA's for sound cards, and as long as you had the latest versions of DOS, Qbasic, and Xtree gold, who cared about some new GUI interface that would suck space on my 2 new whopping 250MB hard drives.
we are very much so blessed, to have been born at this time, and yet every blessing has a cost, or a curse, and that is the ying and yang of it.
Those of us, who once were highly, arrogantly, competetive, are not so loud with our battle cries, even if we are right, for what is the point now.
Some of us never will but a new rig, lessen its for case or parts, or a client who "jes needs sumtin for the kids home work and the internet", and you have the heathens, who as they throw salt over their shoulders, avoid cracks in side walks, and search for four leaf clovers, believe that unless it comes from Dell, HP/Compaq, or the like, its no good.
Should I be at the curve, ahead of the curve, fashionable behind the curve, should I become religiously fanatical (Again ) and sacrifice all and everyone so that my new current project rig will easily the next gen of fps's flight sims, space sims, car sims, sims sims, etc.
I for my part have chosen to no longer starve, alienate the mortals, to partake in the dance macabre with demonic bill collectors, to scrape funds up for the perfect rig, that wisdom and experience have proved all to often, will never be perfect. ( there will always be that one new game that gives you once superb machine hiccups, migrains, or causes her to have a cardiac arrest )
So being cheap is acceptable nowadays, for what is top of the line today, may be top of the crap pile tommorow, but remember always quality first, "The quality goes in before the game goes on"
My rig itself is archaic, but not quite yet a fossil. The few good parts left on my body are either suffering from near blindness to acute ostheo arthur, and the money for the bills and meds preclude me from buying parts like i used to, but all of us are struggling with or at bare survival points.
I was once told, "Happiness is a goal for the immature, that some dont want it, few ever attain it, none can maintain, all one can hope to be is content with whatever life sends your way", well as i didnt totally agree with him back then, I proceeded for the next 20-25 years or so to be the best contented idote I could, yet now close to the journeys end I see he
was right. As a gamer, I was never going to be happy, Machine wise, but I would not allow my self to be content either. There was always another part,another fan, another stick, somemore settings, more dissection of windows, another sound card, vid card, oops, too many down loads, need another external HD sos I can get em all off my C and my game drive, defrag and go, let alone the hours spent organizing, reading, hacking moding, installing, testing, ( is it actual game time yet, oh another day or so, ok )
The computer industry is everchanging, always advancing, they take no prisoners, and seldom hold ground, gamers are uniquely self trained,self discplined, self educated warriors ideally suited for this type of enviornment.
Like soldiers we have special needs, special weapons(rigs), tactics and training, and its all for use at one special time, for a special purpose.
As long as your weapon works, and gets the job done, as long as you know it inside out, clean it, maintain it, modify it with whatever you can find and always use her with deadly effeciency, as long as she and you can accomplish your self asigned mission or achieve your winning goals, its a great machine. The good equipment stays around(CPU's), and even after their gone soething new and better will have arrived, and my ol'arse will be waiting for the prices to drop on that too
As for why is life so cruel for gamers ???
Its not, "cruelty" is subjective, Life just is what it is, but all virtual warriors must learn that, "the first sargeant in da sky forges all his troops in the hottest of fires, lest those swords easily break in battle and loose the
gotta go ,meds time.
26A out