The Ishaks are coming!


Charter Member 2016
I've just sent in the first of my skins for Dancat's I-16, mos files and winter textures included. I don't claim much credit for these, as Jon was kind enough to send me the template he made, so I got to do the fun stuff without the arduous slog of having to get all the details in the right place.

This is what you get:
these are gorgeous......gotta get my cfs3 back over the bar first reinstall of EVERYTHING......EEEK!
looks great Nigel!
sorry my mapping leaves something to be desired...

No, it doesn't! It was all exactly bang on. Once I'd got the wireframe to reference from, it was all as easy as anything. The fact that your template is first-class didn't do any harm, either... The only bit that's a bit dodgy is where the uppersurfaces/upper cowling goes over the forward wing-root plates...
I've just uploaded a number of files, including an upgrade pack containing two reworked models and the mos files for each; other skins include a number of Russians, one Chinese and one Spanish Republican.
i have made standalones from all the skins and they are lovely,thank you Dancat,Lewis and Ndicki.really enjoying the Ishak.
Hi, Pete. any chance you could upload the standalones here under the standalone section. i suck at making standalones in cfs 3 as its too time consuming and dont have time to do. if you can do and get permission from author, that would be good. Please consider reuqest. thx.
It takes five minutes if that, and if you read any one of the numerous tutorials with any degree of application and try to apply the procedures, you'll be there in no time. There is a perfectly comprehensible tutorial in every one of my skins.
It takes five minutes if that, and if you read any one of the numerous tutorials with any degree of application and try to apply the procedures, you'll be there in no time. There is a perfectly comprehensible tutorial in every one of my skins.

Yes I can support that Nigel, I've used his guide and although I took a bit longer than 5 mins, I didn't find it too difficult.
When you've done as many as I have, Jeff, five minutes is the outside! Two or three, on a good day...