The meaning of "#" in a facility Unit Type?


Such as the following

and so on.

I have no idea what these are or how they work or are made.:dizzy:
From memory it was how you could spawn any model in with that picktype (or category in the case of the #tracked) parameter in the xdp file rather than a specific model,

If you put another hash tag at the end followed by a number you can get a group of different models to spawn.

For example
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#1" Position="-274.52 247.55" Angle="25.00"/>
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#1" Position="-253.80 428.65" Angle="-170.00"/>
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#1" Position="-163.90 195.96" Angle="25.00"/>
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#1" Position="-66.39 150.50" Angle="25.00"/>
will give you 3 spawns of the same fighter_bomber

If you also have on the same facility
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#2" Position="-79.81 397.97" Angle="-170.00"/>
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#2" Position="-335.97 484.66" Angle="-130.00"/>
<Unit Type="#fighter_bomber#2" Position="-163.91 412.80" Angle="-170.00"/>
You will get 3 spawns of a different fighter_bomber

In the case above if the facility unit type didnt have the hash tag and number at the end of the parameter you end up with all spawns being the same fighter_bomber

This can be used for all picktype and category parameters
Ok I need a reminder the meaning of picktype and the relationship between that and spawns. I note none of the # items are actually in the spawn folder, so are you saying it will spawn anything with a picktype (in the xdp file) labeled "fighter_bomber" or "armor_aa_mobile" ?

EDIT: answered in spawn sticky
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